КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

Официальный сайт КГУ "ОЮБ имени Ж.Бектурова"

Books on Latin graphics from RJL fund of Zh. Bekturov


Dear readers!


We present to your attention unique books from a private library of the writer Zh.K. Bekturov. These books have been published during the period from 1936 to 1941. Their uniqueness not only in time of issue, but also that they are published in Kazakh on the basis of the Latin alphabet.

Among these books there are works by I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov – heads of the Soviet Union and also the collection of verses of U. Turmanzhanov (1905-1978) and the anthology of the Kazakh literature.

The chosen verses of the poet, prose writer, literary critic, specialist in folklore, classic of the Kazakh children's literature Utebaya Turmanzhanov have been published in 1936, and in March, 1938 the poet has been arrested, sentenced to 8 years and term left in GULAG camps. In 1956 U. Turmanzhanov has been rehabilitated by prosecutor's office of KAZSSR.

The anthology of the Kazakh literature had included the works Mashkhur of Zhusup Kopeev, Spandiyar Kobeev, Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov, Sabit Donentayev, etc. authors, written at the beginning of the XX century.

These editions have huge historical, cultural value.

You can get acquainted with books in the sector of rare books, manuscripts and museum pieces of regional junior library of Zh. Bekturov.


1.     Turmançanov, Ө. Bajƣьz : taƣь basqa өleᶇder / Ө. Turmançanov. - 1936. – 174 b.

2.     Stalin, I. Leninijzm mәseleleri : orьsca onьncь basьluvьnan avdarьldь / I. Stalin. - Alma-Ata: QK(b)Portalьq komijtetiniᶇ partija, 1938. – 584 b.

3.     Stalin, I. Marksijzm Çәne ulttьq-kolonijalьq mәsele : taᶇdamalь maqalalar men sөzderdiᶇ çьjnaƣь / I. Stalin. - Alma-Ata: QK(b)P ortalьq komijtetinin partija, 1938. – 239 b.

4.     Molotov, V.M. SSSR qalq caruacьlьƣьn өrkеndetudjᶇ: ycjncj besÇьldьq planь / V.M. Molotov . - Alma-Ata : Әdebiet, 1939. - 91 b.

5.     Stalin I.V. Ortalьq komijtettiᶇ BK(b)P-NЬṆ XVI sijezine bergen sajasьj esebi : bajandama men Qortьndь sөz / I. Stalin. - Alma-Ata : Әdebijet, 1939. -  91 b.

6.     Qazaq әdebietj : orta mektepke arnalƣan : xrestomatia : II bөljm / qúrastьrƣan E. Smaiьlov. – Alma-Ata : Qazaqtьn bjrjkken memlekettjk, 1941. – 244 b.