©2009-2021. Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека им. Ж. Бектурова
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POKATILOV NIKOLAY IZOTOVICH (1923-96), foreman, full gentleman of an award of Glory, participant of the Great Patriotic War of 1942-45. Labor activity I began the accountant in collective farm "Lenin's Way" (The Tselinograd area). In 1942 a mortar as a part of the 837th shooting regiment of the 238th shooting division. In fights near Bryansk and the Eagle, at liberation of Belarus, at storm of Konigsberg and Danzig caused a stir courageous actions. In Karaganda since 1972. I worked as the senior accountant of the Karaganda technical school of Ministry of Railways of the USSR. It is awarded the order Patriotic war of the 1st degree, medals.