КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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MASHKHUR ZHUSUP KOPEEV (1858-1931), akyn, collector of oral national creativity. In 1870-75 studied in madrasah in Bukhara.


Since 1875 I worked as the teacher in an village, I published verses in the «Дала уалаяты» newspaper. In the people nicknamed Mashkhur (from Arab — known, well-known, glorified for the whole world) thanks to wide popularity of works among the people. After a meeting with V. V. Radlov is engaged in collecting and systematization of heritage of oral literature. In Husainov's publishing house there are books of verses «Сарыарқанын кімдікі екендігі» (1907 г.). Автор стихов «Онерге, ғылым, білім болсаң жуйрік», «Салем хат», «Анама», эпосов «Шайтанның саудасы», «Аңқау адам», «Екі жас, бір кєрі», «Жарты нан хикаясы», «Ғибратнама», «Баяннама» and etc. Wrote eposes «Ер Сайын», «Ер Кокше», etc. Bukhar zhyrau, Umbetay, Sherniyaz, Kotesh, Shozhe, S. Toraygyrov wrote down eposes verses and tolgau akyns. I left a rich heritage for the Kazakh specialists in folklore and historians. Bukhar Zhyrau found a grave in mountains Dolba. In 1993 the mausoleum zhyrau there is erected.