КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

Официальный сайт КГУ "ОЮБ имени Ж.Бектурова"



MADI BAPIULY (Alshynbayev) (1880-1921), composer, singer. The participant of national liberation revolt of 1916, establishment of the Soviet power in Karkaralinsk, Karkaraly Counsil’s member. Impact on formation of views of Madi have creativity of Abay Kunanbayev, Kempirbaya Bogenbayula, Aseta Nye Manbayula, Shozhe Karzhaubayula. I was familiar with known Kazakh musicians Akhan to sulfur, Birzhan-salom, Baluan-Sholak, Zhayau-Musa. In Madi's works I condemned injustice, violence of bayev-feudal lords, I called for social justice and equality of people. Madi's songs "Karakesek", "Ushkara", "Madi", sung in the Kazakh operas "Er Targyn", "Kyz Zhibek" are widely known. In Karkaralinsk and a mudflow Egindybulak streets are called Madi's name. On Madi's grave (the natural boundary Maliksay in Karkaraly's mountains) the memorial obelisk is established.


In 2005 at the Kazakh drama theater of a name of S. Seyfullin performance E was put. Baltashuly and S. Zhumagali "Madi", in Karkaralinsk there took place scientific conference and the celebrations, devoted to Madi Bapiuly's 125 anniversary.