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Presidential scholarship program «Bolashak»

Presidential scholarship program «Bolashak»

In 1993 from the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of N.A.Nazarbayev No. 1394 of November 5, 1993 the international grant "Bolashak" was founded.

Emergence of the program was promoted by time requirements. Our state only found independence and followed a way of the free market relations in economy, on a way of democracy and full entry into the world community that demanded implementation of many reforms. It is known that carrying out any reforms demands existence of the qualified personnel, capable to cope with the tasks assigned to them.

For the first time in the history of the states of the former Soviet Union of talented youth opportunity was given, to get an education abroad completely at the expense of the state. From 1994 to 2004 inclusive within the «Bolashak» program an education was got by 700 scholars in 13 countries of the world.

The international grant "Bolashak" became a peculiar guarantor of successful career growth and professional self-realization of her graduates. As confirmation it is served by that fact that many graduates of the program hold important posts in public service, in the state and international organizations, in joint-stock structures, work in different state and international projects and, thereby, make the contribution to state development. However practice showed that organizational legal support of implementation of the "Bolashak" program demands continuous improvement.

At the initial stage of implementation of the "Bolashak" program (1994-1997) more than 30% of scholars left the program because of low progress or did not come back to Kazakhstan after completion of training. The analysis showed that absence of any obligations of scholars before the state became the main reason for a high share of not return to Kazakhstan.

In 1997 the Provision on an order of award of a grant of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", approved as the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 3, 1997 No. 3375 was developed. Situation affected procedures of documents acceptance and selection of applicants, and also provided employment of scholars in government bodies and the organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan after end of a full course of training.

The question of a disproportion in the training directions was other question demanding the decision. For 1994-1997 the grant "Bolashak" was awarded, generally to graduates of economics and humanitarian departments of the Kazakhstan higher education institutions. Graduates of technical faculties were presented in the program very little that it was connected by that curricula of technical specialties provide learning of foreign languages in smaller volume in comparison with curricula of economic and humanitarian specialties.

Since 2000, in connection with the edition of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 12, 2000 No. 470 "About the approval of Rules of selection of applicants and award of the international grant of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", applicants with engineering and technical education acquired the right to take part in competition on grant award "Bolashak" without the requirement about free possession of one of foreign languages.

Thus, for 1994-2004 of existence of the international grant "Bolashak" was saved up by the Ministry of Education and Science of RK experience in methodology of selection of applicants for grant award. For these years Rules of selection of applicants changed twice – in 1997 and in 2000. Each innovation was based on the experience saved up in previous years, with leading of certain results and set new tasks for the program taking into account the social and economic changes happening in the Kazakhstan society.

In 2005 the Head of state in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan declared need of annual granting to three thousand young and talented Kazakhstan citizens of possibility of training in leading educational institutions of the world on the international grant "Bolashak".

Need for increase in number of scholars was caused by spirit of the times. In the conditions of already created market economy the state chose the way of development based on model of competitive economy and a steady rise of priority branches for Kazakhstan with constantly growing requirement for experts in the field of industrial and innovative development, science and education, management, marketing, the logistics, new information technologies, reforming of housing and communal services and others.

On increase in number of scholars of the international grant "Bolashak" it was entrusted to Joint stock company "Center of the international programs" to realize implementation of an initiative of the Head of state, founded for this purpose the resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 301 of April 4, 2005.

Since 2005 growth of number of scholars is observed, moreover, it is expected that by 2009-2010 academic year the number of being trained scholars of the "Bolashak" program will make 3000 people.

Since 2008 scientific and pedagogical workers were given opportunity of passing of scientific training, and also quotas for rural youth, civil officers, scientific and pedagogical workers are entered.

For improvement of quality of the education got within the program, reduction of the List of leading foreign higher educational institutions, scientific centers and the laboratories recommended for training and passing of scientific training by owners of the international grant "Bolashak" is carried out. It will include the best universities taking leading positions in world ratings.


reference to a site:: http://www.edu-cip.kz