Painters of Karlag
Painters of Karlag
1. CHIZHEVSKY Alexander Leonidovich, 1897 — 1964
Outstanding scientist-biophysicist of world value. Founder of a heliobiology and aeroionification. Academician. Professor. Amateur artist, poet. Was born in plant Tsekhanovets of the Grodno province. The father — the highly educated professional soldier, the general; from an eminent noble sort. Since 1906 A.Chizhevsky annually took out abroad — Italy, France, Greece, Egypt. Studied in Moscow at the same time at Commercial and Archaeological institutes, attended in the Moscow State University of lecture on medicine. In 1918 in the Moscow State University defends the doctoral dissertation on general history. Conducted extensive scientific researches, publishing works in foreign languages abroad where it is elected the Academician. It was put forward on the Nobel Prize. At the beginning of 1942 it was arrested, and in 1943 it is condemned by Special meeting of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR (SM) «for communication with English investigation» for 8 years. Was in KARLAG, Spassklage, Dolinka, and in Karaganda — in the reference, working as the laboratory assistant at scientific research institute till 1957. Returned to Moscow. Its published scientific works, albums of verses are known; about 400 works in different technicians from oil to a pastel and a water color. A part of works in KSMA, private collections of Karaganda.
2. PREMIROV Lev Mikhaylovich, 1912-1978
Painter and schedule. The designer in Karaganda. Was born in Saratov. The father was the teacher of physics at high school. Having gone to Moscow, arrived in art institute, but studied two years as it was arrested in 1934 and it is condemned for 6 years of ITL. Again by court of KOMIASSR it was sentenced in 1942 to execution according to Art. 58-10 — «slander on policy of the Soviet government», to ITL replaced on 10 years with a disfranchisement for 5 years. Term left for Steplag, then — the reference to Balkhash. In 1948 it was released from the reference, it was struck off the register, and lodged in Karaganda. The L.M camp diaries remained. Shemipova with 37 illustrations.
In the 50th years the picturesque cloth "Ukhta" is complete. In the 70th he creates series of graphic and picturesque cloths on GULAG subject, and also self-portraits. A part of its works in KSMA, others — in private collections of Karaganda.
3. FRIZEN Pavel Petrovitch, 1887-1978
Artist-teacher of high qualification. Was born in Ukraine. From a family of employees. Art education received in Kharkov and Moscow. Worked as the teacher of drawing in Krasnodar and Melitopol. It is condemned in 1935, it is sent in KARLAG where stayed 11 years. Worked as the artist in offices of KARLAG: Karabas, AES. After departure of term remained in Karaganda where many years directed a city fine art studio at GPC. After death the most part of works of painting (73) are transferred in KOMII.
4. ANTIPOV Peter Nikolaevich, 1887-1987
Amateur artist. Civil engineer. Was born in Tyumen. As prisoner KARLAG, serving the sentence during the period from 1940 to 1945, executed documentary valuable drawings of a camp life. After his death some albums with such sketches are inherited by his son — the artist of Nominative Antipov.
5. YERMOLAEVA Vera Mikhaelovna, 1893-1937
Known painter. Book schedule. Was born in the village Keys, the Saratov province. Noble origin. Ended in Leningrad special art courses. In Vitebsk was one of organizers of group of artists ANA. In Leningrad worked as the research associate IAC. It is arrested in 1935 and it is condemned by Special meeting at People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR under article: «socially dangerous element» (SOE), for a period of 3 years of ITL. Disabled person: feet are paralysed, went on crutches. Upon termination of term in 1937, it is shot in KARLAG. Pictorial works are stored in the State Russian museum in St. Petersburg and other meetings.
6. SOKOLOV Peter Ivanovich, 1892-1937
Artist. The higher education received in Irkutsk, Paris. Petrograd (1917). In the 30th years moved to Moscow. Worked as the Main artist of the Bolshoi theater of USSR. In 1935 it was condemned for 3 years of OSO People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs. Term left in KARLAG, Dolinka's item. It is known that he taught drawing at high school of the item of Dolinka. It was released in 1937 without the right of residence in the capitals, but personally arrived to Moscow where it was seized and shot.
7. STERLIGOV Vladimir Vasilyevich, 1904-1973
Known artist and writer, memoirist. Was born in Warsaw. Social position — from employees. Studied in Moscow in the 20th on literary courses and in private fine art studio. In 1935 in Leningrad it was condemned under article: "socially dangerous element" (SDE) for the term of 5 years. Was in KARLAG for 1938, then — about a year in exile in Karaganda, working as the artist. In 1941 left on the front where it was contused, it was treated in hospital of Alma-Ata. From 1942 to 1945 taught in Almaty art school. Returned to Peterhof, the Leningrad region. E.Kovtun left valuable hand-written memories of KARLAG, published. V. Sterligov's water colors on spiritual and religious subject are known.
8. GRIGORYEV Alexander Vladimirovich, 1891-1961
Known artist. Was born in Pertnura's village, the Mari ASSR. From a family of employees. A vocational education got in Kazan and Moscow. Was one of organizers of AHRR in Moscow. As his name was called before arrest in 1938. The mountain-Mari museum of local lore as it was the collector of an exposition of his pictures. The manager was. department of national education; the member of VKP from 1918 to 1938. It is condemned by Special meeting at People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR under article: "participant of the anti-Soviet terrorist organization". The term — 10 years, left in KARLAG. After release in 1949 moved to Tarusa, the Kaluga region. Its camp self-portraits remained.
9. IZNAR Natalya Sergeyevna, 1893-1967
Artist of high qualification. Artist of theater. Watercolorism. Was born in St. Petersburg. Had the higher vocational education. Daughter of the lawyer. Worked as the artist and as the head of art workshops, the art editor. It is condemned in Moscow at the end of 1938 for 8 years of ITL as "the wife of the enemy of the people". Arrived their Butyr prison to ACWTH (Akmolinsk Camp of Wives of Traitors of the Homeland), and then in KARLAG. Worked as the artist at the Central club of the item of Dolink. In 1946 went to Vladimir for work at theater. In 1956 returned to Moscow. The part of works N. Iznar is in Moscow, in the Theatrical museum of Bakhrushina, KRMA.
10. VASILYEVA Alla Feodorovna, 1902-1991
Set dresser. Eastern Siberia was born in Verkhneudinsk. From a family of employees. Ended in Omsk a gymnasium and art technical school, then in Moscow — VHUTEMAS in the 30th. Schoolgirl of Kardov and S. Gerasimov. It is condemned in Moscow in 1938. In special meeting at People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR under the article MFTH (member of the family of the traitor of the homeland) for a period of 5 years which left in ALGERIA, then in KARLAG. Worked as the artist in club of the item of Dolinka. After 1946 returned to Moscow. Its pictorial works, camp sketches, self-portraits are known. The part of works is available in KRMA.
11. MYSLINA Maria Vladimirovna, 1901-1974
The painter, the theatrical decorator, was engaged in the poster, a caricature. Was born in Moscow. Studied in Higher Art and Technical Studios (1922-1924), theatrical institute (1924-1926), AXP (1926-1929) studio. In 1937 OSO was repressed at People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR as FMTM, because of arrest of the husband. From Butyr prison it was transported under guard in Akmolinsk office of KARLAG (ALGERIA) for departure of 5 years of ITL, then from 1938 to 1946 was in Dolinka, working as the artist at club. After departure of term returned to Moscow. The portrait N. Iznar of its work (KOMII) remained.
12. BORKHMAN Irina Alexandrovna, 1902-1993
Artist. Was born in Moscow. Daughter of the doctor. Ended Higher Art and Technical Studios in the 20th in Moscow and School of applied art in Munich, in Germany (1927-1930). Worked in a workshop of "the TASS Window" in Moscow. It is condemned. In special meeting of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR on article: "espionage", for a period of 10 years. It is transported under guard from prison of Frunze in 1942 in KARLAG where worked in its different offices (page. Spacious, station Zharyk) at garment factory, in sheep breeding, gardening, a fire brigade. As the graphic designer made out offices of chiefs in camp. The reference in the village of Zhuravlevk, Akmolinsk area. After release in 1951 went to Moscow. Camp drawings and I.Borkhman's (KRMA) water colors remained.
13. SHITIKOVA Anna Ivanovna, 1919-1989
Graphic designer. Designer. Western Siberia was born in Bochat. From a family of employees. Studied in the London college. Graduated in Moscow from art school of 1905, then studied in a film studio as the set designer. Left in 1937 in the USA for registration of the Soviet department of the World Fair, in New York. In 1942 it was arrested and condemned for 8 years of ITL by Special meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on article 121: "suspicious communications on espionage". It was transported under guard in STEPLAG of Kazakhstan, then it is translated in Balkhashlag where worked as the artist.
After term departure in 1950 — the reference in Balkhash, then — in Karaganda under public supervision of special commandant's office. Worked in KAZIZO. In 1959 — came back to Moscow.
14. POTAPOV Igor Antonovich, 1920-1992
Artist. Teacher. Designer Karaganda art fund. Was born in Solnechnogorsk, the Moscow region. Graduated in Moscow from art school of a name of 1905, and then — art and graphic faculty of the Moscow teacher training college. In 1943 it was condemned under article: "for participation in anti-Soviet propaganda", for a period of 5 years of ITL. It is transported under guard from Butyr prison of Moscow in KARLAG where worked in different offices of camp as the artist. After departure of term it was left in the reference to the settlement in Karaganda. Worked in KAZIZO as the graphic designer. At schools of Karaganda gave classes in art history within 15 years. Left hand-written memories of KARLAG.
15. IVASHEV-MUSATOV Sergey Michaylovich, 1900-1992
Artist of the top skills. Teacher. Was born in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State University, physical and mathematical faculty, then — AHRR studio. It was arrested in 1947: "for participation in anti-Soviet group" also it is condemned for 25 years of ITL. It is transported under guard in STEPLAG. In 1954 it was released from camp by an illness and it is sent into exile on the settlement to Karaganda. Working in KAZIZO, at the end of 1955 was away on vacation to Moscow and did not return. It’s some works were bought by KRMA. Camp works did not remain.
16. SOOSTER Yulo-Ilmar Yohannesovich, 1924-1970
Painter and schedule of high qualification. The Soviet Socialist Republic, in a working family was born in the district Hayumaya, Estonian. The higher education got in Tallinn, the State art institute. In 1949 it was arrested and condemned under article 58 part 2: "for participation in anti-Soviet nationalist traitorous group", for 10 years of camps. The sentence served in Kazakhstan: PeschanLAG. SpasskLAG, KARLAG. Worked at clubs as the artist. It is released in 1956. Year lived in Karaganda, then, having seen the homeland, located with a family in Moscow. The whole remained is glad camp works, portraits of prisoners of KARLAG which are storing in a museum of Tartu (Estonia).
17. YOKOYAMO Misao, 1920-1973
Graphic artist (Japan). As the prisoner of war, he from 1945 to 1950 carried out in Kazakhstan, in the Spassk special camp No. 99 entering into system of HDPI (Head department for prisoners of war and interned at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR). In free time in the conclusion he drew. Cinematographers from Japan in 1995 shot in Karaganda the movie about the outstanding fellow countryman. They presented KRMA some color photocopies from graphic sheets of this artist.
18. CHERKASSKIY Abraham Markovich, 1886-1967
Outstanding painter, teacher, honored worker of arts (1956), National artist KAZSSR (1963). Was born in Ukraine, page. White Church, Kirov region. Graduate of the Petersburg Academy of Arts (1909-1917). Taught at the Kiev art institute (1935-1937). It is arrested in December, 1937, in February, 1938 SM People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs for 10 years of LC is condemned. From KARLAG, the item of Dolinka was released in August, 1940, moved to Alma-Ata where since 1941 taught painting in Almaty art school. Died in Alma-Ata.
19. KROPIVNITSKIY Lev Evgenyevich, 1922-1994
The outstanding artist, worked in painting, graphics, a sculpture, art glass. Was born in Siberia, Tyumen. The student of the Moscow institute of applied and decorative art since 1939. At the front — since 1941, it is invalided out on disability. Study continuation at the same institute. It is arrested in January, 1946 of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs under article EXPERT. SM is sentenced to 10 years of ITL. Sentence served in KOMIASSR, then — in Steplag (1949-1954). It is left on the settlement in Balkhash where worked in Palace of culture (scenography, direction, the fine art studio management). After rehabilitation (1956) returned to Moscow, actively worked creatively, was engaged in design of exhibitions abroad (the USA, France, CSR), wrote verses, articles on art. The member of the PU USSR since 1973.
20. SHURATSKIY Sergey Fomich, 1923-1980
Karaganda schedule, graphic designer. Was born in Ukraine in the village of Evdokimovk, the Dnepropetrovsk area. Visited a fine art studio at a recreation center of Metallurgists of Dneprodzerzhinsk (since 1934). Studied in Dnepropetrovsk art school (1939-1941). In 1942 ran from the car when sending by Germans to Germany for works. Served in ranks of the Soviet Army during war. In 1947 "the Ukrainian nationalism" is condemned according to Art. 54 by 10 years of ITL, ASO. Measure to punishment left in camp point No. 11 of Management of KARLC. It is rehabilitated in 1963. Died in Karaganda.
The participant more than 100 exhibitions on the homeland and abroad. Died in Moscow.
21. SANOSYAN Sarkis Manukovich, 1922-2004
The known Karaganda painter and the schedule, the honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan (since 1992). Karmir, the Novoboyazet area was born on February 5, 1922 in Armenia, page. Studied in the Yerevan art school (1938-1942). At the front was taken prisoner, for what the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs for term in LC was condemned, and there was prisoner SIBLAG, Taishet, Bratsk (1948-1956).
22. GRUNIN Yuriy Vasilyevich, 1921
The known Zhezkazgan graphic designer, the schedule, the woodcarver, the chaser, the architect, the poet, the member of the Union of writers of the USSR (since 1991). (Ulyanovsk) was born on Volga, in Simbirsk. Studied in the Kazan art school (1937-1941). Got the 1st award for verses at literary competition of the city newspaper (1936). Worked as the artist in Ulyanovsk infantry school (1941). On the North Western front, after a contusion was taken prisoner. In the German front prisoner-of-war camp worked at repair of roads. In 1945 after release from captivity the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs in SIBLAG was sent, then — STEPLAG, from where was released in 1956, having remained to work in Dzhezkazgan. In May, 1992 participated in work of the International conference "Resistance in GULAG" (Moscow).
23. GAMBURGER Leonid Emilyevich, 1899-1984
Known artist. Designer of children's books. Was born in the Urals, in Serov. Studied in Moscow in Stroganov art school and Tiflis Academy of Arts. In 1941 it was sent into exile to Karaganda as the person of the German nationality. Here it stayed till 1951: directed a fine art studio, was the artist of theaters, drew caricatures in the regional newspaper. Further — worked in the different cities. Since 1975 located in Moscow, cooperated with publishing houses. Sketches of illustrations for children's books, L.Gamburger's water color sheets remained, some his operation is available in KRMA.
24. EYFERT Vladimir Alexandrovich, 1884-1960
Painter. Teacher. Eminent person of culture. Was born in Saratov. A vocational education got in the Highest art and picturesque workshops in Astrakhan. From 20th — he is the member of the society "Heat Colour", Society of the Moscow artists. In the 30th — the expert in antiques in the Trade missions of the USSR in Germany and France; the director of Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow. At the beginning of its war as the German on a nationality send to Kazakhstan, the Karaganda region, then transfer to Karaganda where it and his wife many years consisted on the account in special commandant's office. In Karaganda, on the suburb, Eyfert settles to work as the graphic designer at mine club of Kirov.
In the same place — will organize a fine art studio which was visited by all wishing from among which a row became artists: Gilevsky, A.Tsoy, V. Bush and others. The big collection of pictures V. Eyfert brought by it with from Moscow, is transferred in Alma-Ata, GMI of. A.Kasteeva; pictures of the last years of life in KRMA, private collections of Karaganda, Astrakhan.
25. FONVIZIN Arthur Vladimirovich, 1882-1973
Outstanding aquarellist. Was born in Riga. It was trained in the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, then in Munich. Participated in Moscow at the exhibitions "Blue Rose", "Art World". Since 1951 lived and worked in Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, since 1929 — in Moscow. In 1942 it for the German origin send to Karaganda where it stayed ten months. Later, in 1944 Fonvizin, already working in Moscow, reflected the impressions about that time in a series of water colors "Old Karaganda" (KRMA).
26. FOGELER Genrih Eduardovich, 1871-1942
Outstanding artist of the European scale. Was born in Bremen (Germany) near which in its estate his House museum now is open for Vorpsved. Studied in Academy of Arts of Düsseldorf. Before war of 10 years lived in Moscow, being the anti-fascist, the adherent of ideas of revolution. Traveled across the USSR much, wrote pictures, published books. In 1941 for the German origin it was sent to the Karaganda region, Khoroshov district, village to Korneevka where at the age of 70 years died and in those regions is buried. From that time some drawings remained. A number of works of G. Fogeler in KRMA.
27. GUMMEL Gunter(Yuriy) Vilgelmovich, 1927
Sculptor. Honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan. Hanlar, Azerbaijani was born in the Soviet Socialist Republic. Before war managed to finish two courses of the Baku art school. In 1941 all his family for the German origin was deported to Kazakhstan. In Karaganda Hummel settles to work as the manager of club at mine. Having wanted to continue vocational education in Moscow, was refused in documents acceptance for belonging to "the German contingent" In KAZIZO, performing sculptural works, Hummel himself seriously started working over increase of the professionalism. By it is created in Karaganda a number of monuments, portraits. It possesses performance on competition of a monument to V.I.Lenin in Karaganda. In the 90th years went with a family to Germany.
28. GRABBE Robert Andreyevich, 1904-1991
Graphic artist. The master of a decoupage (art cutting from paper). Was born in Novorossiysk. A vocational education got at the Odessa art institute, then in Higher Art and Technical Studios. From 30th in Moscow cooperated with the central publishing houses. Worked as the designer at AREC USSR. Working in Riga, entered in 1945 the Union of artists of Latvia. In 1951 because of the repressed brother himself arrived to Karaganda, worked here in KAZIZO, participated in the first art exhibitions of 1957-1958. For many years silently and lonely was engaged in the favorite type of creativity, having appeared again at city exhibitions at the beginning of the 80th. All works of the dead in Karaganda, in advanced years of R.A.Grabbe, are transferred to KRMA.
29. USAITIS Leonid Alexandrovich, 1924-1984
Known painter and schedule. Was born in Moscow. It was trained in the Moscow art school of a name of 1905. At the beginning of war as the son of "the enemy of the people" is sent for seven years to a labor army to the Urals, to a tree felling. In 1948 arrived to Karaganda to mother — the widow of prisoner KARLAG — the father. Some time works as the designer in KAZIZO, Hypro mine, the caricaturist in the regional newspaper, then at theater — the actor. In 1955 moves to Moscow where with honors graduated in 1962 from art institute of a name of Surikov. Having remained in the capital — makes out books in Detgiz; the art editor — in Diafilm studio. Posthumously, in 1985 in the Central showroom of Moscow its three-day personal exhibition took place. In KRMA it is stored L.A.Usaytisa's more than 20 pictorial and graphic works.
30. MAYER Oskar Oskarovich, 1924-1990
Graphic designer Karaganda art fund. Painter. Was born in Tbilisi. The son of the father arrested on a false denunciation. In 1941 in 17 years Mayer was sent to Kazakhstan as the special evicted person of the German nationality; worked in state farm, then in a labor army where started drawing. It was admitted to the Samarkand art school, but the special commandant's office of Karaganda did not allow it to leave out of area limits. It was compelled to arrive in the Karaganda mountain technical school and to finish it. From 50th was engaged in V.A.Eyfert's fine art studio at club of mine of a name of Kirov. Arrives in KAZIZO. Starts being engaged in painting independently. Periodically exposes the lyrical landscapes at the exhibitions, nowadays being stored in private collections.
31. RECHENSKY Pavel Ivanovich, 1924-1999
Painter, schedule, application engineer. Talented gifted self-educated person. It was not succeeded to receive vocational education. Was born in a country family in the village of Babovo, the Saratov region. In 1931 all family transported under guard as special immigrants to Kazakhstan, the Karaganda region the Osakarovsky area. Here exiled built to themselves dugouts and barracks of which settlements observations were formed. Ended a semiletka at rural school. The participant of the Great Patriotic War, in the Far East. After demobilization — work in Karaganda, in KAZIZO, in art fund. At Rechensky there were some personal exhibitions — to the 50 anniversary in Karaganda, Alma-Ata, Moscow. It is a lot of its works in KRMA, in private collections.
32. BUSH Victor Petrovich, 1934-1986
Painter. The head of a fine art studio at DKG. Laupp, the Saratov region was born in the village. Graduated from the Penza art school of Savitsky. By the child with all family because of the German nationality it is poisoned in the reference to Kazakhstan, on the road, having injured a backbone, remained the cripple. All years worked in Karaganda art fund, participated in all exhibitions. After his tragic death in the road accident, many remained works are transferred to KRMA.
33. GILEVSKY Gelyary Gratsionovich, 1932
Painter. Was born in Ukraine, in Butyn's village, Hmelnitsk area. Being the member of the Polish family sent to Kazakhstan, as the teenager together with the father worked in a labor army. In the late forties started visiting the fine art studio directed by artists special evicted persons from Moscow by L.E.Gamburgerom, and then — under the leadership of V.A.Eyfert. Arrived in the Penza art school of Savitsky and ended it in 1960. For many years worked in Karaganda art fund, annually participated in exhibitions. Made a creative trip to Mexico, and then to Poland where in recent years worked under the contract, restoring architecture monuments. Gilevsky — the founder of a series of landscapes "Old Karaganda", portraits of workers, the former prisoners and exiled. A number of its works in KRMA.
34. TSOY Alexey Nikolaevich, 1929
Sculptor. Painter. Poet. Was born in Ussuriisk, Primorye, in the Far East. Among thousand Koreans in 1937 his family was moved to the Central Kazakhstan. The teenager, from 14 years Akchatau, then on mines of Karaganda started working at mines in Balkhash. In the 50th years visits a fine art studio directed by V.A.Eyfert, the artist special evicted person deported from Moscow. In 1967 Tsoy arrives in Almaty art school, graduates from sculptural office. For many years of work as the sculptor created series of sculptures on subjects of miner's work, in the 90th years comes back to painting. A number of works in KRMA.