КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

Официальный сайт КГУ "ОЮБ имени Ж.Бектурова"

Lithuanian national and cultural center

Lithuanian national and cultural center



Lithuanians, the self-name - Lietuva. Language Lithuanian belongs to the Baltic or letto-Lithuanian branch of an Indo-European family of languages. Believing Lithuanians - generally Catholics.

The various Baltic tribes which ancestors at the beginning of the II millennium BC moved to basins of the rivers Nyamunas and Raugava were a basis of formation of the Lithuanian ethnos. As a result of association of tribes in the XIII century it was formed the Lithuanian state.

In Kazakhstan lives 7070 Lithuanians, 2474 - in the Karaganda area.

the Lithuanian nationality living in Karaganda and area, with assistance of Embassy of the Lithuanian Republic in Kazakhstan the cultural center was registered. The asset of the center consists of 50 people. The initiative group of public association organized courses on studying of the Lithuanian language and history of the Lithuanian people.

In the center there is a various literature. The Internet class where it is possible to receive necessary information operates. For those who wishes to visit Lithuania as the tourist, consultations and recommendations about paperwork and visas are carried out. Plans of association include visit of other cultural centers, an exchange of experience, creation of circles, musical and dancing clubs.

The center is closely connected with the historical Homeland, with parents, relatives, friends of members of the LITUANICA center, living in Lithuania. In the center the Sunday school works. Occupations carries out, arrived to Kazakhstan with mission from Catholic church sister Aloiza.

Delegation arrival from Lithuania led by the vice-minister of social security Violetta Murauskayte in 2004 was dated for the 50 anniversary of Kengir events - to revolt of political prisoners in Zhezkazgan camp Kengir. By Day of memory of victims of political repressions which is annually marked out on May 31, memorable signs were delivered to the lost Lithuanians in Zhezkazgan, Karaganda and Balkhash.


The center took part in the international congress of Lithuanians in the city of Birshtonas where delegates from 33 countries of the world gathered. Congress is carried out annually within a state program on return to the historical homeland, undergone to repressions at the time of the Soviet mode of citizens of the Lithuanian origin. Public association cooperates with the various ministries and departments of Lithuania, receives books on history, culture of the republic, the newspaper and magazines.