Materials from periodicals
Materials from periodicals
As Lithuanians recognize, with Latvians at them there is a lot of general. This general is shown not only in similarity of customs and traditions, but also language. And if to dig more deeply, it is possible to find the general and with east Slavs with whom they are made related by the historical past. And Christian belief too. However, Lithuanians accepted Christianity much later, than all other Slavic people. Up to the end of the XIV century they remained pagans. The main deity Lithuanians had god Perkunas (the master of a thunder and lightnings), and they worshipped to the nature: to the sun, trees, water... Of that far time remind the remained pagan symbols. At the same time make related Lithuanians with the East Slavic people such holidays, as Shrovetide, day of Ivan Kupala which pass in at one time and according to one scenario.
About other period of the history which has found reflection in manuals both of Lithuanian, and the Russian school students, tell the remained locks and protecting strengthenings along the most ancient in Europe roads from the West to the east on which made campaigns knights of the Teutonic award. Nowadays they represent objects protected by the state. In them schools, libraries, museums for which Lithuania is famous took place.
Not the smaller glory was created it by respect for the past both skillful manufacturing of a pottery and metal forging.
One of cards of Lithuania - amber. Amber was in the ancient time appreciated on a level with gold. The waves which are taking out on coast of Baltic slices of amber which all so like to collect happening here, generated both local myths and the legends connected with its origin. One of them tells about divine maiden Jurate, the daughter of god who lived on a seabed in a fine amber palace.
By quite developed industrial production and big population density - today in Lithuania lives about 3,5 million people - there are pure rivers and lakes. It especially admires unpampered with healthy ecology of guests coming here. No secret as Lithuanians consider, here is present. The high culture of the population and rigid control of ecologists of observance of necessary norms by the industrial enterprises of the country simply affect. This experience is an evidence of that the person can successfully cooperate with environment.
The Lithuanians living on the coast, differ from the relatives who have located in the center of the country a little. One - are more reserved and prudent or, maybe, thrift, considering that go in there generally for agriculture. And others - are more friendly, is more sociable. In a word, Lithuanians to Lithuanians - discord. It is curious that they differ and outwardly: that live in coastal areas, have a fair hair, that is closer to the center, - dark. But thus both guys, and girls quite tall.
But who is absolutely beaten out from lump of indigenous people of Lithuania, so it Karain, compactly living in the Trakay lock. Judging by the stories which are transferring from generation to generation, the first Karain - descendants of the Crimean Tatars - appeared here at the time of board of the founder of the Lithuanian state of the king Gegiminos. They were invited to service as its protection. Yes and remained here, having kept the national ceremonies, customs and the kitchen which is very reminding our Kazakh.
What do Lithuanians like to eat? A subject of special pride - bread. The Lithuanian bread can be stored some months, without spoiling, and besides it doesn't crumble at all. Such wonderful bread cook without any preservatives and other modern technologies. Bakers keep a compounding secret. It is known only that for its preparation the music processed on ancient stone millstones is used.
One of the most favorite dishes of Lithuanians are tsepellins. They prepare from chopped meat which clothes in well shaken up mashed potatoes and fries on a incandescent frying pan. The karka prepares for holidays in houses - a leg of a wild boar with sauerkraut. To drink Lithuanians prefer kvass and beer of local production which, by the way, is very much appreciated.
In Lithuania very seriously treat family creation. Early marriages here aren't welcomed. It is accepted to marry only after the youth strong will rise on feet. The number of children depends on financial wellbeing of a family in the Lithuanian families also. Here live by a principle: better it is less and better - let there will be one child, but it won't be to need anything.
When in a family the son is born, parents put an oak, when the daughter - rute. Subsequently from it spin a wreath which before registration of marriage pin to the girl on the left side of a breast. As soon as all official formalities are observed, the girl became the married lady, a wreath outweigh on the right side. Marriage is surely consecrated with church. It is considered that church marriage enhances the responsibility young before each other and by that strengthens the union.
Briefness of Lithuanians speaks belief in special energy of a word. On a question: "How are you doing?" the Lithuanian never will answer: well or badly. And it will not be started up at all in the long and tiresome story about the difficult life. Usually answer briefly: not benefit that means "not bad". Behind what to cause unnecessary sympathy or where is worse - envy? It concerns also all the rest. By the way, in the Lithuanian language there are no abusive words.
Myagkih, O. Familiar strangers / prepared O.Myagkih//Industrial Karaganda. - 2007. - 24 of July