Materials from periodicals
Materials from periodicals
At all polarity of opinions on Jews all unanimously recognize their special natural endowments.
Not important, it speaks the favor given from above, or skillful education, - the fact remains: among Jews there are a lot of diversify talented people.
And if to speak about their musicality, Jews speak: "If you want to count, how many men in the Jewish family, look at a wall and count, how many on it hangs violins". Probably, there is any share of exaggeration. But, believe, absolutely insignificant. In this regard Jews can make the worthy competition to the Kazakh people which the love to native steppe chants absorbs with milk of mother. And almost every second perfectly owns game on national tools and sings.
It is possible to tell about Jews the same. And the well-known klezmer ensembles are perceived long ago as the card of the Jewish people. Therefore to get acquainted with its culture, having bypassed attention klezmer music, all the same what to tell, say, about Paris, without having visited Louvre or on the Eiffel Tower.
Today the klezmer music (the word "klezmer" - literally "the singing tool") became an independent musical genre in which melodies of the people of countries of Eastern Europe - Germans fancifully intertwined, Ukrainians, Poles, Moldavians, Bulgarians and the Romanian.
Before klezmer quite often invited to play on dances and parties the non Jewish public. To them ordered popular national melodies and dances, and the repertoire of musicians was enriched with local folklore. These melodies were so successfully interpreted that they couldn't be distinguished from truly Jewish music soon. However, despite of it, klezmer music nevertheless was and remains unique and recognizable. It at the same time cheerful and sad, capable to make laugh, force to cry and dance.
Klezmer united in small ensembles, or as they called themselves, chapels. Such chapel consisted of the leading tool - violins, and also cymbals and a contrabass, sometimes violoncellos. Such structure was caused by that it was forbidden to Jews to play on "loud" - wind instruments and percussion musical instruments. Later as a part of klezmer chapels there were new tools: a clarinet, a pipe, a flute, the accordion which has expanded them musical possibilities, but saved spirit peculiar to them.
Still under klezmer music people laugh and long, dance and cry. Under it in the Jewish families raise new talents. And not only musical because good music promotes harmonious development of the personality. In Karaganda there is no permanent klezmer ensemble, but as required the professional musicians entering into the Jewish community, with pleasure improvise in national style.
Storehouse of humor
- Why Jews answer all the time with a question a question?
- Oh, who to you told such nonsense?!
- When some Jews meet, they will surely tell cheerful stories and jokes, - the coordinator of library programs of the Jewish communal center speaks at Heseda "Miriam" Larissa Brodskaya. - And these jokes will be about them.
- Tell, you hour not from Vineyard?
- No, I not from Vineyard.
- About! So we are fellow countrymen!
- It as so?
- I too not from Vineyard!
According to the known Jewish writer Sholom Aleykhema, "the Jew laughs not to cry". It is difficult to make formal determination of specificity of the Jewish humor. Its characteristic feature is the irony, I even would tell, self-irony. Jews never were afraid to laugh at themselves. To joke of the neighbor - big business?! You try to treat objectively itself, darling, without being afraid to tell about "cockroaches" as it Jews beautifully are able to do.
In the evening Rabinovich nervously goes before the house, continually glancing for hours.
- I worry for the Sara, - it explains to the neighbor.
- And what with it?
- With it my car...
Among favorite methods of the Jewish humour - a word-play, values and accords. It everything is so thin is beaten that in studying of this layer of the Jewish culture seriously are engaged scientific the husband, devoting it numerous dissertations and monographs.
- The doctor, I strongly lose hair! What I need to do, to keep them?
- Oh, it is simple! Lay down them in a box!
The library stock of the communal center is rich not only the books of the religious contents telling about Jerusalem, history of an Judaism and describing the tests, fallen to a lot of the Jewish people. The special place is occupied by books from a series of the Jewish jokes, got wide popularity.
Student Abram passionately loved the Rose. Once it decided and made it the proposal, having told that will die, if it refuses to it. The rose refused. And it is valid, seventy years later he died.
O.Myagkih From where at klezmer of a string grow
/ O.Myagkih//Industrial Karaganda. - 2009. - 21 March. Myagkih O. Storehouse of humor / O. Myagkih//Industrial Karaganda. - 2009. - 21 March.
Whether Idelson, whether Natanzon...
If you will ask, whether you know the national Jewish song, probably, reflecting, will answer: certainly, "Хава нагила" also will add popular "7.40".
You will be strongly surprised, but in category of the national the national rumor erected these songs. Actually these "newly made" tunes to musical traditions of Jews have very indirect relation. So, the well-known song "7.40" in the USSR thought up in Odessa. And round "Хава нагила" so many rumors go that sometimes and Jews find it difficult to answer a question who her author and in what case it was combined.
Someone is sure that it was in a course still at the time of Macovei (and it already 167 BC) which went with it on enemies; others see in it the wedding song under which it was necessary to drain at once three glasses of alcoholic drink according to Hebrew tradition; the third at all don't consider it Jewish. Actually truth somewhere in the middle. It appears, once upon a time there was at the beginning of the XX century in Latvia a certain Abraham Zvi Idelson. He was the young cantor, sang in a synagogue. Then went to wander on the world and started to collect and write down the Jewish folklore. Visited Europe, in the Middle East, in South Africa, and then settled in Jerusalem.
There he also met the Jewish Chassids calling sadigur - by name Sadigur's town in Ukraine, from where they arrived to the Holy Land. Idelson diligently wrote down their folklore. Togdato, and outside already was 1915, and the required melody got to it. It is not excluded that Chassids and wrote it. Without knowing musical notation, they were both collectors, and keepers, and authors of melodies. But the theory according to which this melody was created by an unknown klezmer somewhere in Eastern Europe not earlier than the middle of the XIX century is nowadays accepted. And any unknown ways reached Chassids, and those kept it.
But it was yet that melody which is known now. It had smoother and slow rhythm. In something even meditative as Chassids loved everything that directed at reflections.
Then the First world war burst, and Idelson went on war as a part of Turkish army (for Turkey owned at that time the Holy Land) to direct a regimental orchestra. In three year war ended. Idelson returned to Jerusalem where the unknown festive concert prepared. Under the certificate of his contemporaries, Idelson at some instant faced that it didn't have a good final song. Having rummaged in the folklore records, it found an anonymous Chassidic tune. Having been delighted to a find, started editing. Wrote arrangement for chorus and outlined words:
Let rejoice, Give rejoice
Yes, let’s fun! Let's sing! Let's sing
Yes, let’s fun! Wake up, brothers! Wake up, brothers,
With pleasure in heart!
In this look the song also reached up to now. Then under the influence of the Romanian immigrants the song had a dancing rhythm, and it began to sound quicker.
By the way, shortly after Idelson died, and it happened in 1938, unexpectedly there was an author "Хава нагила ". Somebody to Moksha Natanzon argued that he wrote this song. Allegedly being Idelson's pupil, he participated in the competition declared by the teacher on writing of words to this tune and it is better than others coped with a task. It seems now understand, whether so it was actually, or Natanzon decided to use a case and to become famous.
Myagkih, O. Whather Idelson, whether Natanzon.../O.Myagkih//Industrial Karaganda. - 2009. – 21 March
Non-kosher in the mouth do not put
Kazakhstan and Karaganda, in particular, are famous for abundance of national kitchens. On the central city street it is possible to try the Ukrainian, Korean, Georgian, Uigur dishes. And how many such national cafes across all Karaganda!
But that is interesting, among this set you hardly will find though one point of a public catering in which to you would offer dishes of the Jewish kitchen. Enterprise to representatives of the Jewish nationality not to occupy, the range of ethnic cuisine is wide also. What is it? Partly clears up this question acquaintance to kashrut - a set of rules which concern the resolved and forbidden products. But for Jews it not simply ruled. Kashrut for many of them is a way of life, the hidden thread connecting Jews together. As well as observance shabbat. Laws of kashrut are dictated by a bible ban which aren't accompanied by any explanations. Simply it is impossible to eat, for example, meat of animals which don't ruminate and which have no doubled hoof, - and a point. Sea inhabitants get to the category of the non-kosher, in particular also what have no fins and scales (is the catfish and delicacies popular nowadays: crabs, mollusk, shrimps), and also birds of prey and all reptiles. But can safely eat fruit, vegetables, nuts and grain, to drink coffee and tea.
Lamb and beef - please, but animals still it is necessary to hammer mutton and beef as appropriate and to process so that blood was removed. It is clear that all blood from ink to clean impossible, but all arterial blood and a part of the capillary is subject to removal. Blood for Jews is a symbol of life. And consequently its use is forbidden in any kind. Unsuitable to the use eggs if in them there was a blood speck are considered even.
Laws of kashrut demand the whole division of meat and dairy products. In the house at the Jews observing kashrut, happens on six table services: for meat, dairy, festive - for meat and dairy, easter. Two sinks - for meat and dairy ware are whenever possible used also. And by itself in kitchen use of different sponges, supports and towels is provided.
But if to ware there is a casual confusion, in some cases it can be corrected. It is considered that the surface of ware absorbs aroma of meat or dairy products only when products are in the warmed-up look, and at contact in a cold condition of it doesn't occur. So if the dairy product got; on a meat plate, it is enough to wash out of it in cold water. Well and if by mistake a dairy product warmed up not in "the" ware, meat to cook in it is impossible more.
Besides, the meat and dairy food should be divided not only in the course of preparation, but also at the use. After porridge on milk it is necessary to wait half an hour before undertaking the meat. With meat products - it is more difficult. The majority of the Jews adhering to traditions, maintain an interval at six o'clock before dare to eat something prepared of milk.
products contain these or those additives and preserving substances. And they are made on the basis of the meat or dairy products received by the most part from non-kosher animals. In Israel, America with it problems aren't present. There kosher production is marked with the special emblem designating inspection and supervision of the rabbinate. There are even kosher restaurants and pizzerias.
'Agree, with 'the accounting of all these conventions opening of the Jewish restaurant or cafe in our region is represented business difficult. Certainly, it would be possible to renounce any principles kosher-non-kosher, but in that case the ethnic Jewish cuisine would lose that originality which awakens to it such genuine interest.
Myagkih, O. Non-kosher in the mouth not the luggage / O. Myagkih
//Industrial Karaganda. - 2009. - 21 March.