КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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Korean national and cultural center

Korean national and cultural center


(national proverb)

As a result of deportation in 1939 in Kazakhstan lived 96453 Koreans. Autumn of 1937. With the stroke of the pen the whole people underwent repression on a national sign, the Kazakh earth accepted internally displaced persons. Since then not one generation of Koreans calls Kazakhstan the Homeland. Historians still will state an assessment as in the conditions of the small number (less than 1 % of the population) Koreans managed not only to remain as the nation, but also to declare the existence by means of the national and cultural centers.

Nowadays in Kazakhstan 99665 Koreans, including in the Karaganda area - 14097 people.

The Karaganda regional Korean cultural center was created in September, 1989.

The main objectives of public organization - further development and revival of culture of the Korean language, customs, traditions, assistance to increase of activity of diaspora in democratic transformations of society. The main property of the center is its high image, the turned-out experience, the traditions fixing continuity of generations, bringing up respect for seniors, the native language and culture.

Any of collectives or structure of the center didn't interrupt the activity within fifteen years. Assignment in 2003 of a rank "national" to folklore ”Mugunkhva” ensemble became natural result to that. At new level work in education is carried out. Republican programs among school students and students that allows to define a rating among schools and city higher education institutions are realized, to reveal gifted youth.

The main property of the center are the people making its asset, the people checked by time. The public organization revealed a great number of people, with the active living position, making a worthy contribution to business of strengthening of the world, an international consent, education of the Kazakhstan patriotism, preservation of continuity, respect of customs of the people which have given to ancestors the second Homeland.

Directly at branch, and also at three schools and two higher education institutions of Karaganda under the aegis of КФАКК it is trained to the Korean language by the teachers activists who were trained in the Center of education at Embassy of the Republic of Korea, and volunteers from the Republic of Korea.

Collectives of amateur performances, constant participants of city, regional, republican festivals of national cultures. At КFАКК various events are regularly held, many of which became traditional. The special place occupies celebration of New year on a lunar calendar, a holiday of girls and boys, Put the elderly people, received poetic the name - a holiday "Autumn of life".

Work of branch is directed on further improvement of structure of the center. Priorities according to the program of action of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan are defined. So, in branch work with the senior generation under the direction of "council of the wisest" is carried out. Education of youth is carried out through programs of Republican Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan and youth movement of Koreans of Kazakhstan.

Annually in selection rounds of republican competition "Young leader", take part to 100 pupils from schools of Karaganda. With assistance of embassy of the Republic of Korea, STS "KAHAK", AKK and КFAKK traditionally student's competition on receiving nominal grants is held. Winners were students the KarSU, KARSTU Institute of language and translation "Lingua". And every year the meeting of the Korean youth of Karaganda is replaced by a children's festival in which more than one hundred children participate.

Amateur performances of the regional center declared itself at the VII Republican festival of the Korean culture. The first place of jury gave to the dancing Kippym ensemble, the second place - too to Karaganda inhabitant in the nomination "Acting" and the third - was occupied by our chorus of veterans.

The Karaganda branch the first in the republic carried out a meeting of businessmen of small and medium business, created economic council and left with the appeal to Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan about creation of economic council at AKK.


The Kazakhstan people aren't similar to all the others. He, as anybody, understands another's pain. Still representatives of the people, which have endured deportation, express respect, gratitude and love to the Kazakh people for its help, kindliness and heat. Hospitality, openness, kindness, century traditions of Kazakhs played in it a leading role. The Kazakh earth became a home for hundred thousands people of different nationalities. Exactly thanks to it there was a unique community of the people of the republic, created its modern shape. The new generation of Kazakhstan citizens, and this great property of the people grew.