German national and cultural center
German national and cultural center
Germans in the territory of Kazakhstan appeared for the first time in the middle of the XVIII century. The most migratory process is necessary for the end of the XIX century. Generally it was inflow of German country families from old colonies of Russia. At the beginning of the XX century, as a result of stolypin reform in 1906-1910 inflow of Germans amplified at the expense of the parent colonies being on Volga and in the Black Sea areas, intensity of resettlement of German families from Germany raised, Austria is direct to Kazakhstan. The following wave of violent resettlement of Germans to Kazakhstan belongs to 1941. Political rehabilitation of Germans was carried out with acquisition of independence of Kazakhstan and after acceptance of 14.04.1997 «The law on rehabilitation».
According to census of 1999 in Kazakhstan lived 353441 Germans, including in the Karaganda area - 57229 people.
The Karaganda regional society "The German center "Vidergeburt" is valid from 1989. It is one of the first centers of revival of the culture, appeared in area and the republic. "Vidergeburt" from German not only "revival", but also "the birth again". The main objective of the center - revival of traditions and customs of the German people, preservation of national originality. In Germany more than once were surprised to that to Germans, Kazakhstan became whose homeland, a lot of things managed to be kept in traditions and customs. The great attention is given that the German part of the population of area felt comfortably in political, economic and social areas of life. The culture and national originality not simply revive. Process of formation of special ethnos - the Germans considering by the homeland Kazakhstan proceeds.
The center is some divisions: cultural and educational complexes, youth club, Fund of protection of labor soldier, departments of social medical care and consultations and transfers. Everyone carries out the tasks defined by joint programs of Germany and Kazakhstan, the comprehensive program of ethnic revival of Germans of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
One of organizers and founders of a number of educational projects, "Vidergeburt" carries out preparation of specialists pharmacists on the basis of the Kazakhstan pharmaceutical institute, with the subsequent employment at plant under construction on production of medicines from local raw materials. In 2004 in KUBMR groups on training of specialists of computer technologies are open. Students are trained at the expense of grants of Germany and get a scholarship.
In Karaganda there was a monument first in Kazakhstan to remarkable artist anti-fascist Henry Fogeler thanks to which the friendship between the cities of Karaganda and Vorpsveda a place where lived began and proceeds and the master created. The training center "Erfolg" where children of 14 nationalities have possibility is well-known, besides standard training, profoundly to study German, English languages and additional disciplines. There are free German language courses on which study or improve language can not only Germans, but also everything, wishing to know German, - citizens of other nationalities.
In the region the network of the centers of meetings works, it consists of seven divisions located on all Karaganda area. The base center is in Karaganda, there are branches in the cities of Saran, Abay, Temirtau, Shakhtinsk, Satpayev, Balkhash. The centers of meetings are active and constant participants of many republican, regional and city actions. Children attend Sunday schools of language and culture, a mug on interests, adult - a language course, participate in various actions.
The social department of the Vidergeburt center registered about 3000 people and is captured by activity of 36 villages and satellite towns. The department renders medical and financial support elderly and needy. On the basis of clinic for labor soldier complex improving events for persons of advanced age and labor soldier, not only living in Karaganda, but also on all area are twice a year held. In the same place as public medical care elderly people pass medical examination, use the dentist.
Expanded the work German youth club, which is the participant of the Republican Union of German youth. He will annually see off linguistic youth camp in which passes a cultural exchange between young men and girls of the various cities. At it - choreographic ensemble "Folkskvell" to which the rank of national collective is appropriated. He is a participant and the winner of numerous festivals and is well-known in Germany. In sports clubs "Okinawa" and "Vankans" more than 500 teenagers and young people are engaged.
From the first days of the creation the center closely cooperates with the German society of technical assistance, with council of Germans of Kazakhstan, the international union of German culture, Small assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, regional department of culture and education. UN "Vidergeburt" supports creative contacts to the centers and societies of Germans in Kazakhstan and Russia. Especially actively conducts work branch of the German center in Saran. Its dancing and vocal collectives, KVN team of Saransk branch and Saransk humanitarian and technical college participated in many festivals, creative trips. In Karaganda is popular language educational and children's leisure the centers which are visited by about 200 children, developing on interests.
Non-state establishment "Training center "Erfolg"
The domestic school together with a family should revive traditions of national pedagogics. Education of the poly cultural personality knowing various languages, future expert on the basis of wide fundamental base culture - one of the purposes of our establishment, in which complex - kindergarten, comprehensive school, the center of leisure of children and adults, Sunday school, courses in German. The center is and a place of meetings for Germans and members of their families, for all to whom the history and culture of Germany, and also for those who wishes to study German, customs, traditions, culture of the German people aren't indifferent.
In 2000 "Erfolg" the German center "Vidergeburt" and the German educational Vidergeburt complex became which founders Karaganda regional society "Was born. For these years our center gained the real popularity among educational institutions of Karaganda. Except the main state standard of education of nearly 200 children receive profound knowledge of German and English of languages. Fixing of a material occurs during acquaintance with traditions and customs of the people of RK during carrying out various holidays. Art creativity, a choreography, sports activities, exhibitions and festivals, releases of wall newspapers - a set of occupations in out-of-class and out-of-school work give the chance to be realized to everyone, promote formation of the harmonious personality.
To study at this school it is interesting also because teachers constantly care of creative self-realization of pupils. The success in education is impossible without self-sacrifice. Mastering by languages, as well as any knowledge, conceals in itself small opening. Through them children realize that, without knowing language, it is difficult to understand soul and culture of the people. Development of poly cultural formation of N conditions of multinational Kazakhstan is a main task for the next years.