Kazakh center Shanyrak
Kazakh center Shanyrak
The Shanyrak center sees the task in revival of the best that was saved up in the people throughout centuries. In the center round tables, meetings "Dastarkhan of friendship and unity" with participation of the creative intellectuals, representatives of the national and cultural centers are regularly carried out. In the assembly hall of the center unique works of the subjected to repression artists, meeting from private collections of the families sent in Karlag in 30-40 years were exposed. Together with Russian center Days of Slavic writing and culture are spent.
"Shanyrak" is the center of meetings and adaptations repatriates. Together with Soros Kazakhstan fund seminars are held on problems of social adaptation repatriates. With representatives creative the intellectuals among repatriates are conducted work on studying and promotion of folk applied art and music. About national composer Tattimbet the fund shot the television film "String of centuries". By the invitation of Fund of culture national actors of Kazakhstan of the X-th took part in meetings. Kalilambekova, S.Zhandarbekova, film actors, theater and platform: N. Karachentsev, S. Shakurov, I.Alfyorova, Z.Aguzarova, O. Gazmanov, A.Peskov, staff of Theatre of Lenin Komsomol, Moscow children's theater. For years of work as guests. "Shanyrak" there were ambassadors and consuls of Israel, Russia, Spain, representatives of the World bank, delegation of Germany, volunteers from the USA, working in Karaganda.