КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

Официальный сайт КГУ "ОЮБ имени Ж.Бектурова"



FOGELER HENRY (1872-1942), artist. In 1894 graduated from art academy to Düsseldorf. His pictures — it is romantic, ideally harmonious world. During this period the fantastic engravings executed by it and masterly registration of books of Wilde, Gofmanstalya, Gauptman used great popularity. It works as the schedule and the architect, as the illustrator and the application engineer. Official recognition of his merits was obtaining the order for registration of a solemn assembly hall of the Bremen town hall. World War I has further impact on his creativity. In the war Fogeler learns that in Russia there was a revolution. The new world attracts the artist, and in 1919 he creates in Barkenkhof the working commune, existed four years. In the commune building it creates the whole series of the wall pictures, separate from which were restored after World War II.

In 1923 the estate is transferred by the owner to children of the killed, the arrested or shot revolutionaries. Same year Henry Fogeler gets for the first time to the Soviet Union, and having returned, publishes the book "Travel across Russia, with a subtitle "The birth of the new person". Since 1931 moves to Moscow on the habitual residence and actually becomes the emigrant. The Moscow period of life was for it the most fruitful. It cooperates in the magazines issued in German: "International — literatures" and "Das vort". The artist invite in the German theater to Odessa. He creates there scenery, sketches of suits to the Shakespearean performance "As to You It Will Be Pleasant", works over the anti-fascist performance "Destroyer of the World". Undertakes to do theatrical dolls. The picture "In a Doll Workshop" testifies to it written to them in 1940. He was on friendly terms with Meyerhold, Mikhail Koltsov, Erich Viner. Personal exhibitions of works of the artist were twice organized. From the war beginning G. Fogeler directed all the creativity on evident propaganda against fascism.

In 1934 in Moscow there was a book "Two Worlds" in which 34 drawings of the artist under the name "Third Reich" were published. Under drawings I.Bekher's well-aimed couplets. All this served as a material for creation of leaflets and caricatures, posters.


In 1941 as the person of the German nationality, the artist was deported from Moscow. It and about fifty more of his fellow travelers were defined on the settlement in the village to Korneevka of Voroshilov district where there was a collective farm of May 1st. Interest to a name of the German artist increased since 1980 when the art critic from Germany Werner Homan was engaged in studying of his creativity. He became the founder of a museum of Fogeler at Korneevska high school. In 1992 memorial boards were established on the house in which there lived the artist, on a wall of hospital of page Horoshev; the monument before the building of the regional German cultural center "Vidergeburt" (Erubayev St.) is established.