КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

Официальный сайт КГУ "ОЮБ имени Ж.Бектурова"



ERMEKOV ALIMHAN ABEUOVICH (1891-1970), public and statesman, one of leaders of movement Alash, mathematician. Graduated from Tomsk institute of technology (1921).

In 1919-20 member and chairman of board of revolutionary-military committee on management of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) edge, member Semipalatinsk Gubrev comitette. Played an outstanding role in delimitation of the Kazakh ASSR in the West, the North and the East.

In 1921-24 worked in Semipalatinsk provincial executive committee, in provincial committee planning management, fulfilling duties of the deputy the chairman of committee of planning, the manager. industrial section. It was elected the member of Central Executive Committee of 6 and 7 convocations of the Kazakh ASSR.

Since 1926 was in a scientific and pedagogical field. In 1927-35 was teacher in Tashkent. Kazakh teacher training college, associate professor KAZPI, professor of Almaty Veterinary institute and head of the department of mathematics. A.Ermekov the first of mathematicians was entitled the professor (1935).

In 1935 published in the Kazakh language a mathematics course, the dictionary «Қазақ тіліндегi математика терминдері».

In 1935-37 head of the department of mathematics and theoretical mechanics of Almaty mining and metallurgical institute (nowadays KAZNTU). In 1930-47. A.Ermekov was three times unreasonably condemned.

In 1947 it is released ahead of schedule. Same year since August 15 A.Ermekov heads chair of mathematics of the Chimkent technical institute, continues to be engaged in teaching activity. Again on false charge it is detained. In 1955 on March 7 under the decree of the General prosecutor of the USSR it is released ahead of schedule.


In 1957 on November 26 it was completely rehabilitated. Until the end of life taught at the Karaganda mining and metallurgical institute (nowadays KARSTU). The main directions research works — mathematical statistics, theoretical mechanics, questions of mathematical terminology. In Karaganda the street is called his name.