КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

Официальный сайт КГУ "ОЮБ имени Ж.Бектурова"



ALTYNSARIN IBRAY (Ibrahim) (1841-89), educator, teacher, specialist in folklore, ethnographer. Went to school for the Kazakh children, the open Orenburg boundary commission. Independently studied works of classics of the world literature — W.Shakespeare, I.Goethe, D. Byron, A.S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, M.Yu.Lermontov, I.A.Krylov, A.Firdousi, I.Nizami, A.Navoi, etc. Worked as the translator Orenburg the board Region.

In 1860 to it charged to create in the Orenburg fortress of the head school for the Kazakh children. In 1860-79 along with pedagogical activity conducted, etc. work, was the clerk of Turgay district management, the turgay district judge, the senior assistant to the chief of the Turgay district, the inspector of national schools of Turgay area. At the initiative of Altynsarin the Russian-Kazakh schools in Ilet, by Nikolaevsk, Turgay, Irgiz districts, 10.4.1880 g in Orsk school of teachers, later in Turgay trade school, in Irgiz school with a boarding school were open for the Kazakh girls. Before Altynsarin's death bequeathed the condition for opening in Kustanay schools. And. made a big contribution to formation and development of the Kazakh literary language. The democratic and humanistic principles got its first textbooks ("The initial management to training of Kyrgyz in Russian", 1871; "The Kyrgyz anthology", 1879).


Altynsarin's literary works reflected historical and social changes in life of the Kazakh people, called for a settled conduct of life, diligence, honesty. Altynsarin translated into the native language products. L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, I.A.Krylov, etc. Memory of Altynsarin is immortalized by the name of scientific research institute of pedagogical sciences of the Ministry of Public Education Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic, the medal of Altynsarin is founded.