КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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AYMAUTOV ZHUSUPBEK (1889-1931), writer, playwright, translator, researcher, publicist. Graduated from the Pavlodar Russian-Kazakh school (1914), Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary (1918). In 1911-14 was the rural teacher, 1919-1922 the member of board of a commissariat of national education, the head of department of formation of the Semipalatinsk province, the editor of the newspaper " Қазақ тілі". In 1922-1924 the teacher in Karkaraly, 1924-1926 the literary employee in the «Ақ жол» newspaper (Tashkent), 1926-1929 the director of the Chimkent pedagogical technical school. The first stories, articles were published in gas. "Kazakh", "Saryarka", Abay magazine. Translated into W.Shakespeare, V. Hugo, G. Maupassant, A.Duma, A.Pushkin, R. Tagore, N. Gogol's Kazakh language, J. London, etc. Wrote works about pedagogics, psychology, a technique, an esthetics, education. In 1918-1919 in Semipalatinsk together with M. Auezov, issuing the Abay magazine, wrote articles about life and creativity of Abay. Written to Aymautov. "The head in education" (1924), "Psychology" (1926), "System of soul and an art choice" (1926) and. etc. — the largest scientific works which are standing at the origins of domestic science. In 1931 was lost in prison torture chambers on false charge. It is rehabilitated later. In 1996-99 the 5-volume collection of its works was published.