КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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Greek national and cultural center

Greek national and cultural center


(national proverb)

Greeks. Language Greek, makes special group of an Indo-European language family.

In the mid-twenties in Kazakhstan 157 Greeks were, their number sharply increased in the 40th years in connection with deportation. According to population census of 1999 the Greek diaspora in Kazakhstan totaled 12703 persons. In the Karaganda area lives 2408 Greeks.

The Karaganda Greek cultural center "Avgi" (in transfer on Russian - "Dawn") was founded in 1996. The national and cultural center "Avgi" is a part of Association of the Greek societies of Kazakhstan and Central Asia "Filiya" under the chairmanship of the honorable director of institute of problems of burning of NAS RK, the Doctor of Engineering, professor George Ivanovich Ksandopulo.

Main objective of activity - revival of the Greek national culture and development of the native language of the Kazakhstan Greeks, rendering of assistance by it in realization and protection of the civil, political, social and economic rights and freedoms. At the cultural center the Sunday school where adults and children study modern Greek language works, join spiritual culture of the historical homeland. Her activist - the pupil of HS No. 12 of the city of Abaya Alexey Sidiropulo was repeatedly awarded by diplomas and prizes of regional department of culture.

At school are trained not only ethnic Greeks, but also Russian, Kazakhs, Germans, Ukrainians, the representatives of other people who are interested in spiritual culture of Hellas and aspiring to speak, read and write in Greek. Language of the historical homeland teach Konstantin Dmitriyevich Tekinidi who is freely owning a modern Greek and Pontine dialect, passed training in Stavros (the Greek Republic), and also Julius Evgenyevna Tekinidi - the methodologist of Sunday school, the teacher of initial group who is engaged directly with beginners to study language - children and adults.

Important work on continuous updating of lists of the Greeks living in area, identification needing, pensioners and disabled people for rendering of the feasible help by it, is carried out by members of initiative group: Vladislav Valeryevich Kuzmenkov - the vice-chairman of the cultural center, Elizabeth Lazarevna Popandopulo, Olga Fiodorovna Stefanidi, Parfena Harlampiyevna Kurtidis, Galina Georgiyevna Kasapidi, and also the art director of youth folklore and choreographic Hellas ensemble, the student of the 5th course KARSTU Evgenia Dmitriyevna Tenkepidi.

The Avgi center carries out a lot of work on the organization of trips of youth and pensioners on the historical homeland which are sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece together with the Black Sea association of Greeks and Association of the Greek societies of Kazakhstan and Central Asia "Filiya". Every summer Karaganda and Temirtau to Greece leave on rest till 10-15 children.


The importance is given to knowledge of members of society of customs and traditions of modern and Ancient Greece, holidays, national kitchen, songs and dances of the people. The folklore and choreographic youth Hellas ensemble created in 1998, constantly takes part in festivals of national cultures and festive concerts. Participation of members of the Greek center in carrying out Day of memory of victims of political repressions became traditional. Representatives of the senior generation, endured horrors of mass repressions of 1937-1953, deportation in 1942-1949 and burdens of a wartime, old residents of Karaganda of Yu.S.Semionidi, G. V. Evstafiadi, E.K.Karayapidi address to the public much, publish in the reminiscence press. They open tragic pages of history of Pontine Greeks, tell about hospitality and compassion to them Kazakh population which helped to survive to thousands to unfortunate special migrants, and also - about a contribution of the Greek diaspora in post-war development economy, health care and culture of Kazakhstan.