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Material and spiritual culture of ethnos

Material and spiritual culture of ethnos

·         Romanians, Romana the self-name, from Latin romanus — "Roman").

The Romanian language belongs to the Balkan-Romance subgroup of Romance group of an Indo-European family of languages. Dialects are allocated: Banat, Krishan, Muntyan, Moldavian (dialect of historical area Moldova), Maramuresh. In lexicon South Slavic influences are strong. The Romanian language is included into the Balkan language union. The first monuments (letters, official papers, the translations of religious texts) belong by the beginning of 17 century (historical chronicles). The fiction appears since the end of 18 century. The Cyrillic alphabet, in 1860 replaced with Latin was originally used.

Religious accessory — orthodox, is Protestants and Catholics. Romanians treat Pontiac type of the Indo-Mediterranean race of big Caucasoid race; in mountain areas the Dinaric anthropological type of the Balkan-Caucasian race of big Caucasoid race is presented. At the heart of the Romanian ethnos Thracian tribes Geto and docks lie. The Romanization Geto-Dacians in the Roman Empire was the most important stage of formation of ancestors the Romanian, when on their lands provinces Moesia (1 century BC — 5 century AD) and Dacia (2-3 centuries AD) were formed. To 6 century the Dacian-Romance ethnic community which has come into contact to Slavs, affected on its material and spiritual culture was formed. Most part of Slavs of a left bank of Nizhny. Danube it was assimilated by the Romanian population. At the turn of the 1st and the 2nd millennium BC formed the East-Roman Voloshskaya ethnic community (Vlachs, Volokh - in Byzantine and Slavic.

Traditional occupations - plow agriculture, wine growing, gardening, prior to the beginning of 19 century leading occupation was cattle breeding (large and a small cattle). Art crafts - weaving, a carpet, an embroidery, ceramics, a carving on a stone and a tree, skin processing developed.

Traditional clothes

Women's clothing — a white linen shirt of tunic breed with gusset (кэмашэ) or a short jacket (ие) zone clothes - the color woolen not sewed skirt (катринцэ) or a pleated skirt with a cut on one side (vylnik); richly ornamented narrow woven belt and 2 aprons which are put on in front and behind (photo); a waistcoat - cloth (илик) or fur (kozhok); on the head — a cover (марамэ) from silk, a kerchief or a cap (чяпсэ).

Man's suit — a linen shirt of tunic breed or on the coquette, with gusset; trousers from a white canvas or wool, a leather or woolen wide belt and a sleeveless jacket. Headdresses — astrakhan caps, felt, felt or straw hats. Footwear — rawhide sandals. In the winter of the man and the woman put on, cloth suites or sheepskin casings.

Traditional cuisine — a hominy from a corn flour and a flat cake (мэлай), borsches (chor-be), cozonac- an Easter cake sort, ынвыртитэ - a kalatch from flaky pastry with a stuffing from pounded nuts with sugar or the berries, the meat baked on a lattice-gretare and fish.


For Christmas, New Year and wedding bake a wattled kalatch (splittings). Prepare a stuffed cabbage in cabbage or grape leaves. Roast (токанэ), fractional — a dish from giblets of a lamb. Self-made grape wines and vodka — a tsuyka are widespread. Oral national creativity the Romanian is presented by epic songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, lyrical songs — milking; about 2 thousand dances (round dance, pair, circular, linear). The most widespread musical instruments: бучум — a long pastoral pipe, nay — system from several flutes of the different size united together.