КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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Romanian national and cultural center

Romanian national and cultural center

Modern Romania was formed in 1918 on December 1 as a result of association of principalities - Balakhiya, Moldova, Bukovina, Transylvania. "Dhaka" is an ancient name of the people living in the beginning of our era in the territory modern Rumynim. The Romanian language belongs to Romance fuppe languages.

In Kazakhstan live more than 20000 people the Romanian. The majority lives in northern areas of the republic, and in the Karaganda area over 3500 people.

According to contemporary records the majority of persons of the Romanian origin arrived to Kazakhstan from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina in four stages: the first - the end of the 19th and the beginning of 20 centuries, the second - deported and exiled in 1941, 1942, 1952, the third - captivated during the Second World War, the fourth - visitors for development of virgin lands and arrived in the direction after the termination of educational institutions.

On April 28, 2005 the Romanian society "Dacia" which presentation passed in the House of friendship of "Saryzhaylau" with participation of the Ambassador of Romania in Kazakhstan Vasil Soare and representatives of the regional national and cultural centers is registered.

The honourable chairman of public association is Nikolay Plushkis. Among honorary members of society Simeon Plemedyale - the honorable miner, the poet, the teacher of the Romanian language.

On September 9, 2003 in the Spassk memorial cemetery the monument to the Romanian prisoners of war buried in 1941-1950 is open. At opening ceremony there was a President of Romania Iion Iliescu.

The initiative group of society by means of Embassy took measures for an organization of courses for studying of the Romanian language and history the Romanian. Communications with the relatives living on the historical homeland are also restored. The Romanian government allocated grants for youth training in educational institutions. Now 3 persons are trained in colleges of Bucharest. The Romanian diaspora celebrates annually national holiday of spring "Mertsiishor", "Easter" and "Christmas".


The society "Dacia" puts before itself a revival and cultural development problem and the native language, friendship strengthening between the people, assistance to improvement culture international communication by a harmonious combination of state and national interests.