КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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Azerbaijanian national and cultural center

Azerbaijanian national and cultural center



(national proverb)

In the Karaganda area lives 3667 Azerbaijanians.

Public association "The Azerbaijanian national and cultural center "Namus" was registered on August 6, 2001. The name of association contains important sense:" namus", in a translation into Russian - "honor". Center set purpose to revive, keep and develop traditions, customs, language, culture of the Azerbaijani people.

At the center the Sunday school on studying of the Azerbaijanian language operates. Children are trained by the teacher with Dzhumali-ogla Mamedov's 36-year experience. A big contribution to activity of the center bring: A.Mamedov, N. Guseinov, S.Askerov, S.Shirinov, Y.Gadzhiev, F.Asadov, G. Ibragimov, A.Shirinov, R. Shirinov and others. Thanks to attractive interest to the language in families the Azerbaijani customs, traditions, culture revive, replenish.

The younger generation participates in public, cultural and sports life also. Sakhavet and Matanat Askerova - winners of the school Olympic Games. They show fine abilities in literature studying in three languages - Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Russian. Ekaterina Takhirova achieved appreciable achievements in such sport as karate.

A lot of things for spiritual, moral, cultural and physical training of youth was made by the president of the Central Kazakhstan federation taekwondo Parviz Zhumayevich Mamedov, the teacher of higher education institution. Among his pupils of good results achieved Asif and Agasior Rzayev and Akif Gasanov.

Huge work on adjustment of communications with the Republic Azerbaijan and other national and cultural centers and public organizations to promotion of traditions and cultures, to creation of library of the Azerbaijani literature, preparation of festivals of national creativity of compatriots is carried out by Shakir Askerov. The center directs work of Sunday schools, holds meetings with prominent people, acquaints with the Azerbaijani classical literature and art, creates creative collectives, carries out publishing. "Namus" the full participant of all annual festivals of national cultures which take place to RK Independence Day, in Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan, and also in festive actions.