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Chechen-Ingush national and cultural center

Chechen-Ingush national and cultural center


(national proverb)

Chechens are indigenous people of the North Caucasus. In February, 1944 eviction of Ingushs and Chechens from native places is carried out to Kazakhstan. According to population census of 1999 number of living Chechens and Ingushs in Kazakhstan 31799 and 16900 respectively. In the Karaganda area live 4660 Chechens and 1427 Ingushs.

Ingushs, the self-name galgay, by name big Ingush society - galagayev. Language Ingush belongs to a nakh (Vainakh) branch of the Caucasian family of languages. Ingushs are among indigenous peoples of the Caucasus which history is traced deep into the 4th millennia. Under this name they became known in the first half of the XIX century: the name "Ingush" occurs from the village Angush or the Ingush, one of pioneer settlements in the Tersky valley.

The Karaganda regional Chechen-Ingush national and cultural center "The Vainakh was created in January, 1995. From first days it put before itself(himself) problems of preservation of an international consent, development of cultural and public relations with representatives of other ethnic groups living in the region, revival and promoting of national culture, traditions and language. In March, 1997 of NCC "Vainakh" entered into the republican Association "Vaynakh" being the full member of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan.

V.A.Munayev and H.S.Kasumov were the first heads of the regional Chechen-Ingush cultural center. In the region it is created and actively the Sanhedrim operates. It is headed by Taus Aslambekov. Members of council - Movladi Liiyev, Andi Hasuyev and Ruslan Suleymanov carry out majus work on education of young generation and its familiarizing with cultural values of Vainakhs, and also all people of Kazakhstan, to education of the Kazakhstan patriotism, love and respect for traditions of indigenous people of the republic. Chechens and Ingushs conduct a social and active way of life, and together with all people of Kazakhstan participate in the actions directed on strengthening of the world and friendship between the people of the republic. The national and cultural center "Vaynakh" has representations practically in all cities and regions of area.

In Kazakhstan and outside of the republic the name of the poet and publicist Zulpy Sufyanovna Chumakova, the member of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan, the honored worker of culture of RK is well known. In its works visibly the culture of Kazakhstan, tradition and customs of Kazakhs is presented. They are penetrated by love to the country and fellow countrymen(there’s no translate):

Мне край этот - с детства единственный рай.

Я песни люблю про Марьям с Дударай.

И звуки домбры мое сердце пленят

Они меня с жизнью казахов роднят. ("Алтыбакан")

Восхищает ее любовь к своей этнической Родине:

Где горы до небес,

Где родников вода струится

Да полон вечной тайны лес...

In 2005 of Zulp Chumakov by the invitation of the Ministry of culture and the creative intellectuals of the Chechen and Ingush republics visited creative meetings with fellow countrymen - compatriots. Giving interview to the telecast "Hero of the day" on the Russian TV, she told: "I am Chechen. I live in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan and my talent appreciated me. I am grateful to it for it. However, the person becomes more senior, the he more strongly feels the roots. And I will tell to you: neither verses, nor thoughts, neither hopes, nor love can't be casual, if they - about the Homeland".

Representatives of diaspora have big achievements in sports.

Honor of the Karaganda area and Kazakhstan protected more than once Moussa Abdulmuslimov - the repeated world champion and Europe on free-style wrestling, Mohammed Adamov - the master of sports of the international class on boxing, Ilyas Adamov - the master of sports on boxing, Aib Adamov - the master of sports on boxing among youth, Yousaf Adamov - the master of sports of the international class on a judo, Zelimkhan Mezhiyev - the master of sports on boxing, Askhab Gabakov - the master of sports, Maksharip Garbakov - the master of sports and many other athletes.

Pride of the Vaynakh center is the dancing collective which repeatedly acted at concerts and festivals in area and the republic, was awarded by honorable prizes and diplomas.


In May, 2004 representatives of the Chechen-Ingush center took part in work of the international conference "From deportation to integration", the deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people devoted to the 60 anniversary to Kazakhstan which passed in Almaty.