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Material and spiritual culture of ethnos

Material and spiritual culture of ethnos

·       Koreans, kore saram («people of Kore’s country»), choson saram(people of Choson’s country»), hanguk saram(«people of Hanguk’s country»).Koreans of Kazakhstan is most often used as a self-name kore saram.

The Korean language - the isolated language, is among classic languages of Asia. The close neighbourhood of Korea with China caused its communications with this country. Without having the writing, more than one thousand years used the Chinese hieroglyphic letter. The founder of modern Korean language is Ju Si Gen (1876 — 1914) which have devoted the short life to the statement of the Korean national language. The Korean language has the unique phonetics, available grammar and rich lexicon. The Korean letter alphabetic and syllabic also is written from left to right. The alphabet consists of 14 conconants and 10 vowels.

One of the earliest religious beliefs of Koreans - the shamanism was brought on the peninsula by newcomers of an era of a neolith from regions of Altai and Siberia. Shamanism in a little modified form remained and to this day. In modern Korea some tens of thousands Mudan - shamans are.

Taoism also appeared in Korea in an extreme antiquity. However this religious and world outlook current didn't receive accurate organizational registration, nevertheless its influence is still felt, in particular, in a cult of a sound body and spirit, in aspiration to immortality, longevity and happiness wishes.

One of characteristics of migratory behavior of modern diaspora of Kazakhstan unlike other some ethnoses is total absence of repatriation on the historical homeland. The insignificant part of young Koreans leaves temporarily for study or for work to the Republic Korea and some tens people went to other foreign countries for a permanent residence.

Traditional occupation of Koreans is plow agriculture, the main culture - fig. The major commercial crops — cotton, hemp, tobacco, ginseng, a sesame, etc. Grow up vegetables, melons, water-melons and fruit crops. One of ancient branches of agricultural industry — a sericulture. On the coast fishery, production of sea animals and collecting weeds are developed.

Traditions and customs. Koreans the beginning of life of the child consider age of achievement by it one year. Only from this point the child starts to be considered as a person really. It is necessary for each of children to celebrate times since if it won't occur, to the child who has reached a maturity, it will be impossible to note wedding, the sixtieth anniversary and so forth. Therefore parents in any case aspire to celebrate the first year of life of the child. Modern Koreans, as well as their far ancestors, attach to marriage exclusively great value. This one of four main events of life and, perhaps, it is arranged most solemnly and draws to itself great attention of all sort.

Marriage is preceded by courtship. Seniors from a sort of the groom — the father, his big brother and only as a last resort if those aren't present, mother of the groom can be matchmakers only. Having received a consent of parents of the bride, the parties agree about carrying out cenci— engagements which is completely financed by the groom, but is carried out in the house of the bride. On cenci all nearest relations and friends of the groom and the bride are invited. Obligatory it is considered a gift native brides of a goose — a symbol of conjugal fidelity, special "shock" bread — chaly pegs, the sticky rice prepared from a special grade, and also white rice flat cakes — timpeni.

Of traditional honoring by Koreans of the oldest members of the family remind and today the various anniversary celebrations arranged by adult children in honor of the aged parents. But and obligatory celebration by children of 61-year anniversary to parents, i.e. the first year of the new eyelid defined by a 60-year cycle is especially significant. It is usually accepted to celebrate this anniversary in case in a family by then all children who have reached majority got families, to all of them weddings were celebrated, there are no misfortunes, otherwise this anniversary is removed and consults in 2, 4, 6 years, but it is obligatory, that this date in Korean was already odd. In traditional Korean cuisine the vegetative food — cereals and vegetable dishes prevails. The basis of a food of Koreans, as well as many other people East and South East Asia, is made by rice from which porridge (fathers, a pub), prepared on pair without salt cooks.


The modern Korean cookery totals about 40 ways of preparation, and respectively, names of fathers. Also the main food product of Koreans is the dish Cooksey, which do of wheat, corn, buckwheat and potato flour, and also trickled pastries suchebi. To Cooksey submit with the stewed small cut meat, vegetables, red pounded pepper both with cold, and with a hot broth. Soup, barilla, broth, a dense meat (fish) broth belong to additional dishes, kimchhy, vegetable salad, stewed and fried in oil meat (fish), dried meat (fish), foods from seafood (mollusks, trepangs). From a radish, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, onions, eggplants, potatoes prepare every possible chhea — shredded vegetables with seasonings, salads from shredded vegetables and herbs. From meat products it is preferred beef, pork, chicken meat. Meat and fish eat both with cheese (hvea), and in the salty, marinated, dried, stewed, fried look. In a food of Koreans the special place is occupied by beans: soya, green, red, and also peas and haricot. From soybeans Koreans receives soya milk, soya cottage cheese, soya paste and soya sauce. From drinks it is necessary to call various grades of rice vodka, home brew, and also every possible soft drinks: from a magnolia vine with fruit, nuts, ginger, a dried persimmon, cinnamon and pine nuts with honey.