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National cuisine

National cuisine

The traditional cuisine of Kazakhs consists, generally from meat and dairy dishes. Meat was the main food product all the year round, its consumption decreased in the summer, but considerably increased in the winter. Dairy products are also popular also: from mare milk — kymyz, from camel milk — shubat; from sheep and goat milk - kurt (dried cheese). From cow milk prepare also айран, қатық, көже — fermented dairy weight, on the basis of wheat, millet or fig. Grain and vegetative products were used more in semi-settled areas. Especially esteemed dish of Kazakhs is beshbarmak.

The guest of honor treat with a blockhead prepared on the special recipe. It undresses the head and distributes to other guests, observing the special ritual based on ancient Kazakh traditions of the relation to guests, old men, children close and distant relative. Meat submit with pieces of the unrolled dough cooked in a broth. Addition to this dish is the meat broth (сорпа) which moves in wooden or porcelain drinking bowls. To dastarkhan surely move bauyrsaks. To food spices, as a rule, black pepper and a carnation are added. Tea moves before meat dishes. Unlike the European representations drink moves along with all entertainments and sweets. Spreads by the rules usually with milk or cream. At the end of a meal koumiss moves. Modern Kazakh cuisine consists not only of traditional Kazakh dishes, but also combines Uzbek, Uigur, Tatar, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean, etc. kitchens. Prepare a set of dishes from vegetables, fruit, fish, seafood, various confectionery.