КГУ "Карагандинская областная юношеская библиотека имени Жайыка Бектурова"

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Karaganda and its inhabitants – participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Karaganda and its inhabitants – participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).


1.       Nurken Abdirov

Nurken Abdirov was born in 1919 in an aul No. 5 (nowadays state farm name of Nurken) the Karkaraly area in a country family. Ended courses of aviapilots in Karaganda.

When war Nurken Abdirov began was the cadet of the Orenburg aviaschool. It was persistently torn to the front and consequently for the accelerated training according to the program of the military pilot attack plane was sent at first to Tashkent, and then - in one of the Siberian cities, and upon termination of study - on the front as a part of the 808th assault regiment of 267 aviadivisions.

Many fighting departures were made by Nurken Abdirov, showing at performance of tasks great military skills, courage and courage.

On October 23 before Nurken's first fighting departure wrote: "If we don't destroy fascists, they will destroy us, and joyful, happy life won't return for us

For 17 fighting departures it destroyed 18 fascist tanks, 46 lorries and vehicles, including 18 with ammunition, 3 tanks with fuel, 5 points of an antiaircraft artillery, a few bunkers and tens fascists.

On December 19, 1942 the fearless pilot together with shooter radio operator Alexander Komissarov made the last departure which has immortalized their names. Participating in a raid for well strengthened boundary of the opponent around station Bokovskaya-Ponomarevka, Nurken put out of action 6 tanks, a few bunkers, 2 points of an antiaircraft artillery. But its plane lit up. It was impossible to escape. And then N. Abdirov together with Alexander Komissarov in one rush rushed in the last dive in a congestion of fascist tanks. Heroes were lost, having flashed a scarlet torch in a heroic legend of national glory.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from March 31, 1943 to Nurken Abdirov posthumously appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Batyr was lost, but the glory about it is live in all corners of the country.

Soon on means of the Karaganda miners the warplane of a name of Nurken Abdirov which was in a system was constructed and smashed the enemy to the Victory.

On its grave, on the farm the station Skates Bokovsky the station Rostov region will erect a granite monument. The same monuments are established in Karaganda and on its homeland. One of the most beautiful streets and Sports palace in Karaganda bear his name which is immortalized and in numerous works of art. About it books, verses are written, songs are combined, performances are put.

Mother of the Hero Bagzhan became the Honorable Cossack village Bokovsky. Its heat was accepted in a village Veshensky by M.A.Sholokhov.

Nurken Abdirov the heroic act showed the best lines of the people.


2.       Zakir Lutfrakhmanovich Asfandyarov

Zakir Lutfrakhmanovich Asfandyarov was born in 1918 in the village Utyak of the Krasnouyulsky region of the Bashkir ASSR. Tatar.

In 1939 became the cadet of the Omsk infantry and artillery military college, then passed military service in the Far East. Since the first days of the Great Patriotic War it — the commander of an artillery piece.

The commander of a gun crew Zakir Asfandyarov accepted baptism of fire under the city of Tikhvin of the Moscow region. It passed a big and nice fighting way. Hammered the enemy near Kursk and on Dnepr, released Vinnitsa and Lvov, forced Vistula and Oder and finished war in Berlin.

Calculation of the anti-tank tool which Zakir Asfandyarov ordered, during fights destroyed tens fascist tanks, cars, tools, machine guns and a large number of soldiers and officers. Only in 4 days — from July 5 to July 9, 1943 — in Kursk battle its calculation lined nine tanks and exterminated many infantrymen of the opponent. For courage and great fighting skills in this fight it is awarded the order the Red Banner.

Zakir Lutfrakhmanovich showed heroism inherent in it and courage and in Korsun-Shevchenkov operation.

On January 25, 1944 around name state farm on May 1 Vinnitsa region the opponent passed to counterattack. The enemy infantry was supported by a large number of planes and tanks. The artillery calculation directed by sergeant Asfandyarov, safely engaged. By the fight end they destroyed 10 tanks and a lot of manpower, having stopped an impact of the enemy. For this feat the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from July 1, 1944 to Zakir Lutfrakhmanovich Asfandyarov appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. For skillful and resolute actions in fights at liberation of Lvov it was awarded the order Patriotic war of the I degree, and at a capture of Berlin — an award of the Red Star. Zakir Asfandyarov and in fights for Poland caused a stir, for what received Government award "For liberation of Warsaw" and the Polish medal "For freedom and independence of Poland".

Zakir Lutfrakhmanovich in 1947 in a rank of the foreman of the battery got demobilize. After war long time lived and worked in Balkhash, having passed a nice labor way from the timber-man to the shift supervisor of mine No. 8 of East Kounrad mine.

Died on January 4, 1977.


3.       Bayzakov Botay

Bayzakov Botay was born on February 23, 1922 in a family of the peasant in state farm of Engels the present Bukhar zhyrau region of the Karaganda area.

Bayzakov Botay went to school of Zhambyl of Karaganda and got 5-cool education. Labor activity began the worker of state farm "Nurataldinsk" of the Shetsky area.

On June 25, 1942 the Shetsky district military registration and enlistment office called in ranks Vooruzhenykh of forces. From this day began Botay’s military biography.

Bayzakov Botay received the first baptism of fire as the scout in the southwest Areas of Moscow areas.

There was the machine gunner, a anti-tank riflemen (the tipper- of CATG) the 860th shelf of the 286th shooting division, the commander of shooting office.

Botay from the very beginning proved as the courageous and brave fighter, carrying out of the most difficult fighting tasks. In 1943 for speeding up of the river Drut of the Belarusian front it was awarded the Order of Glory III of degree, and for heroism in operations at a capture of height 220 — Order of Glory II degree.

For the heroism shown in the war, it is awarded the order the Red star, an award of Patriotic war of the I degree, many medals.

In days of war Botay Bayzakov is twice awarded the order Glory III degree. On the status of these awards they should be appropriated consistently to III, II, and then the I degree. This mistake was corrected in 39 years after war. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR in 1984 to Botay Bayzakov handed over Glory I degree award for destruction of enemy tanks in Germany.

He became the stout gentleman of awards of Glory.

It is transferred to the reserve on wound. After demobilization Bayzakov Botay with 1946 to pension worked in native state farm.

One of streets of the village of Nurataldy is called a name of the Hero.

Botay Bayzakov died on August 22, 1995. It is buried in Sean's village of the Nurataldy aul’s district.


4.       Feodor Antonovich Belov

Feodor Antonovich Belov was born in 1910 in a country family on the farm Belov of the Sakmar region of the Orenburg region.

In 1931 Feodor Belov arrived on Osakarovk's station of the Karaganda area. Worked at railway Karaganda-Balkhash construction, the trackman, the foreman. In 1942 it was called in field army.

Anti-tank riflemen Belov received baptism of fire on Volkhov where long there were fights of local appointment. Only in June 1944, he had the opportunity to participate in the attack in the 382-th Infantry Division, during the assault Finnish fortifications on the Karelian Isthmus.

During street fights for Vyborg the office of anti-tank riflemen of sergeant Belov was included into assault group. For fights in Vyborg it awarded with a medal «For Courage». There it got the first wound.

After recovery Feodor Antonovich again at the front, but in other part - in the 289th shooting regiment of the 120th shooting Gatchin division. The division conducted cruel fights on the Narva base. Feodor Belov ordering office, skillfully using anti-tank guns, provided successful advance to infantry for which he was awarded the Order of Glory III degree.

At the end of January, 1945 the 120-Gatchin division conducted heavy fighting on the Oder direction. Fascist command undertook desperate efforts to liquidate the base, on seven-nine attacks in day brave Soviet soldiers beat off.

On January 27, 1945 near the village to Oderfeld Nazis fell upon our positions forces of a regiment of infantry with support of four heavy tanks. The platoon of anti-tank guns as a part of which there was Feodor Belov, was in fighting orders of infantry. The commander of a platoon ordered to admit closer tanks of the enemy to beat them for certain. When remained meters two hundred, the first the senior sergeant Belov opened fire. It lined with several shots the head car. Two other armor monsters, maneuvering, opened strong fire. Tipper-of Pavlov lined the third and last tank. At once it became easier. To help infantry, peteerovts undertook rifles and machine guns. Enemy attack was beaten off by common efforts. A few weeks later, during a break, the division commander, Major General Govorov handed Senior Sergeant Belov Order of Glory II degree.

On May 24, 1945 the 289th shooting Narva awards of Alexander Nevsky the regiment left to the city of Naas. Germans decided to detain approach of the Soviet armies and under cover of self-propelled guns passed to counterattack. The senior sergeant Belov watched closely self-propelled gun movement in the sector and as soon as it substituted a board, burst a shot. A self-propelled gun, having developed on 180 degrees, stopped. Feodor Belov understood that interrupted a caterpillar of a self-propelled gun and the following shots set fire to it. Also other calculations selflessly operated. Attack of Nazis choked.

Courage and courage were shown by Feodor Belov at break of defense and defeat of the opponent South to the west of the city of Oppeln, in fights to the country Neyshtadt, Shpeynau, Falkenberg and others.

For the courageous performance of combat missions in the closing stages of the war, and for his bravery by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on June 27, 1945 Fedor Antonovich Belov was awarded the Order of Glory, I degree.

But soon after the end of war the part in which Feodor Belov served, was disbanded and the anti-tank riflemen got demobilize, without having received an award. He at all didn't know about it.

The gold award was handed over to the brave soldier on the eve of the 51st anniversary of Armed forces at the solemn meeting devoted to this significant date.

Feodor Antonovich Belov lived at station Zharyk of the Shetsk area. Now left out of borders of Kazakhstan.


5.       Breusov Vladimir Efimovich

1942. The enemy was torn to the vital Centers of our country.

At this time a 16-year inhabitant of the Almaty city Vladimir Breusov, having left school FCD, started to work as the timber-man at the Karaganda mine No. 50-52.

But all thoughts of the young miner were where the destiny of the Homeland was solved. And the pupil of the Karaganda Komsomol at the beginning of 1943 the volunteer left on the front.

August, 1943. There were solving fights for liberation of Kharkov. Vladimir Breusov among 16 fighters of a company of the senior lieutenant Petrishchev courageous storm grasped strongly strengthened height at the village Field and held it.

Young machine gunner Vladimir Breusov neatly struck the enemy, destroyed five his weapon emplacements and one of the first rushed into enemy entrenchments.

Fascists weren't appeased. Five enemy attacks supported by heavy tanks and tanks flame throwers, the Soviet soldiers who have become stronger at height sustained in 36 hours of battle.

Vladimir Breusov didn't tremble, didn't become puzzled before an armor impact. It coolly passed enemies through entrenchments, then rose and well-aimed fire destroyed them.

In this fight by Vladimir Breusov's machine gun 112 fascists were mown.

For these feats the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from November 1, 1943 to the machine gunner of the 960th shooting regiment, the 299th shooting division, the 53rd Army to Vladimir Efimovich Breusov appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

War proceeded. In 1944 Vladimir Efimovich already as the second lieutenant was at war for release of the Eagle and Belgorod.

It is awarded the order Lenin, an award of Patriotic war of the I degree and medals. Is the Honorary citizen of the village Field.

At a meeting with youth of Karaganda in January 1945 Vladimir Efimovich told: «What me inspired on this heroic act?» (speech about a height capture at the village Field). It, first of all love to our great Homeland, to its heroic people, to its nice youth. I couldn't allow thought that our earth was trampled down by enemies... It seems to me that in fights for our Homeland I didn't make anything supernatural, I fought for the Fatherland as hundreds thousands sons fought. Any" can become the hero in our country.

Peace life began. In 1951 having finished KAZSU, then postgraduate study, devoted itself to pedagogical activity.

The rank "The honored worker of the higher school Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic" is appropriated to Vladimir Efimovich Breusov.

Vladimir Breusov died in Almaty.


6.       Ivan Samsonovich Gavrilov.

Ivan Samsonovich Gavrilov was born in 1913 in the settlement of Makeyevka (nowadays the city) Donetsk region in a miner's family. After the termination of mining school Ivan Samsonovich worked at mines of Donbass where came back and after service in Red Army. On makeev’s mines passed Ivan Gavrilov's professional formation.

But the young miner would like "to see light", to test itself. And since 1940 it extracts coal on the lake of Spitsbergen and then on mine No. 12 of Karaganda, from where since March, 1943 leaves on the front.

 Lance sergeant Gavrilov — the commander of shooting office — joined at once in operations and to the first with the group of fighters was forwarded on the right coast of Dnepr. Distracting fire on itself including diving bombers, gave the chance to other divisions to force the river with smaller losses. Especially memorable there were those five days when it had to battle to superior forces of the opponent for a narrow strip of the earth on the west bank of Dnepr. For this feat the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from October 29, 1943 to the lance sergeant, the commander of shooting office of the 3rd rifle battalion of the 1318th shooting regiment, the 163rd Rovno shooting division to Ivan Samsonovich Gavrilov appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Then he wrote to Karaganda to the companions-miners: "Dear miners! Work, without feeling sorry for forces. Let's compete: I will beat fascists, and you extract more coal!"

But it was not fated to live to the brave soldier to the Victory. On January 2, 1944 it was wounded and died in a field hospital near to Stavishche's settlement of Kiev region.

Memory of the Hero is live. Streets in Makeyevka and Stavishche's settlement of Kiev region are called a name of the Hero.


7.       Nikolay Michailovich Grigoriev.

Nikolay Mikhaylovich Grigoriev was born in December, 1925 in Starov's village of the Yaroslavl region. Russian. In Red Army since January, 1943.

The seventeen-year young man Grigoriev came to a military registration and enlistment office with a request to send it on the front. After leaving school of younger commanders in August, 1943 it having arrived on the front as a part of the 354th shooting division of the 65th Army.

The fighting way began the machine gunner, then was transferred to investigation by the deputy commander of a platoon. To autumn of 1944 our armies, having released the territory of the Soviet Belarus, conducted operations in Poland. To Berlin there were about 500 kilometers. But the enemy still showed resistance, using any natural barriers, including the water. Parts of a division, having left to the river Narev, were stopped for the purpose of preparation for the last and resolute approach for destruction of fascist armies in own den.

At the end of September before a regiment in which Grigoriev served, there was an objective of speeding up of the river Narev. The group of 15 people led by sergeant Nikolay Grigoriev should leave with approach of darkness to the river Narev, to reconnoiter the ford, having silently forced the river, to define quantity of manpower and equipment of the opponent and whenever possible to grasp the base. Late evening scouts left to the river. Having found a crossing, they, having silently forced the river, having overcome minefields and engineering obstacles of the opponent, unexpectedly attacked it.

Without having sustained an impact of scouts, the opponent in a panic receded. The base was taken, but enemies didn't reconcile to loss of an important boundary. With a dawn they began counterattack. About two days daredevils constrained an impact of the enemy, and all this time grasped "patch" remained in hands of heroes. More than three hundred Nazis remained to lie in the field of fight. Soon from this base all division went over to the offensive.

For made at base deduction a feat, the shown firmness and courage the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR to Nikolay Mikhaylovich Grigoriev appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

To the bitter end the brave scout beat fascist aggressors. Participated in defeat of militaristic Japan. In these fights it was awarded the order the Red Star and many medals. Now the captain of a stock Nikolay Mikhaylovich Grigoriev lives in the city of Zhezkazgan, is a senior engineer for civil defense Zhezkazgan Lenin Order Mining and Metallurgical Combine named after K.I. Satpayev.


8.       Amantay Dauletbekov

Amantay Dauletbelov was born in 1917 in Zhana-Arkinsk area of Karaganda region. Kazakh

In ranks of Red Army Dauletbekov was called in 1939 and drew army duty in the Far East.

In the summer of 1942 Amantay Dauletbekov together with many colleagues was directed on the Bryansk front by the commander of artillery calculation of the 1180th destructive and anti-tank regiment subordinated to the 13th army. Amantay Dauletbekov accepted baptism of fire in the same summer in the Oryol region, to the south of the ancient Russian city of Livny.

Then fascist armies conducted approach in the direction of Voronezh and Stalingrad. Around Livny and Kastorna our armies hung from the North over flanks, there was the heavy fighting Amantay was which participant.

On July 6 there were cruel fights at Ponyrey is a small town and station on the railway between the Eagle and Kursk. At Dive defense held regiments of the 307th shooting division of the 13th army. Here took firing positions and the 1180th destructive and anti-tank art regiment. Numerous attacks of tanks and infantry of the opponent the same day were beaten off.

But on July 9 the opponent broke through defense on a site 1019 shooting regiments. Fascist tanks and submachine gunners got into an arrangement of the battery of a destructive regiment. Tools, drop dead heroes defenders of the native earth failed.

Amantay Dauletbekov's tool — the soldier from Jean Arch appeared in an environment. Against a handful of brave gunners fascists brought down the concentrated fire of infantry supported by 18 tanks and 14 self-propelled tools. Two hours this unequal fight lasted. Fascist tanks burned. Well-aimed fire gunners pressed German infantry to the earth. During the 14th attack of Germans to a position of gunners their tool was broken. But fight proceeded. Gunners beat off from the pressing enemy grenades, shot German soldiers from rifles and machine guns. The position of the tool of Dauletbekov breathed killing fire. And when there were no grenades and cartridges, bottles with combustible liquid came to an end, the handful of the covered with wounds Soviet soldiers led by Dauletbekov started the last fight. They rushed to hand-to-hand fight.

It was on July 9, 1943 at Ponyrey. Heroes were lost. But fascists in the field of fight before a position of gunners of Amantay Dauletbekov left 29 broken tanks, 13 self-propelled tools and to two companies of soldiers. The enemy at this boundary was stopped.

From December 24, 1943 Amantay Dauletbekov is awarded with the decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


9.       Dudarenko Andrey Emelyanovich

Dudarenko Andrey Emelyanovich was born in 1912 in Karaganda. From 22nd years began to serve in Red Army and forever cast in the lot with it. It, as the regular officer, passed almost all difficult way of war: since the first days to fatal line of January, 1945.

Fascist command of the last hope considered defensive boundaries on Oder and consequently on strengthening all reserve battalions and rear parts here were thrown.

In January, 1945 our parts began to leave to Oder. Especially heavy fighting was near Opleln's town. In this difficult situation on the most dangerous sites of battle it was possible to see the deputy brigade commander Dudarenko. He lifted fighters, contacted the next divisions, coordinated actions of coming parts.

On January 26 major Dudarenko last time went round on jeep a brigade arrangement on the wood party of the river.

On January 27 the car rushed to a crossing, but suddenly ran into fascist scouts who wanted it to grasp. Major Dudarenko jumped out of the car in a ditch and began to be shot, and the orderly with documents sent to the back. But forces were unequal, the major was mortally wounded.

For courage and the heroism shown in fights on Oder, from April 6, 1945 Dudarenko Andrey Emelyanovich was awarded with the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously, Lenin's award, two awards of the Red Banner, two awards of Patriotic war of the I degree and medals.

The Hero about the city of Tarnovska-Guby (Poland) is buried, In the city Dimitrov memorial boards on school No. 19 and association buildings "Redarmycoal" are established.


10.   Zhivov Anatoly Pavlovich

Anatoly Pavlovich Zhivov was born in 1925 in Moscow, in family of labor Pavel Danilovich Zhivov. In 15 years Anatoly became the pupil of the mechanic on one of the Moscow plants as after death of the father at mother remained four small children. Anatoly quickly seized a working profession, helped a family.

When the Great Patriotic War Anatoly Zhivov began, as well as thousands his contemporaries, became the fighter of LAD, it got on roofs of houses, dumped from there incendiary bombs, extinguished fires.

In August, 1941 fascists grasped the territory on which there was a Nikopol field of manganese. The enemy exulted, as our country appeared without manganese - the major component by production of armored steel.

In the summer of 1942 the big group of the Moscow workers was directed on construction of Zhezdy manganese mine on military mobilization. Together with this group arrived in Zhezdy and Anatoly Zhivov. The Zhezdy manganese mine was constructed in extremely short term — 38 days. Soon our defense industry started to receive the major strategic metal.

Working at mine, Anatoly Zhivov, as well as thousands other young patriots, it was torn to the front personally to participate in defeat of hated aggressors. In May, 1943 18-year-old Anatoly leaves the volunteer on the front.

On April 4, 1944 made immortal Anatoly Zhivov's name. On city streets of Ternopol cruel fights with the enemy inflamed. Operator Anatoly Zhivov was in the assault group attacking well strengthened positions of the enemy. Fire of an enemy embrasure mortally mowed coming fighters. Among the volunteers, volunteered to destroy a weapon emplacement of the opponent, there was also Anatoly Zhivov. Under protecting fire of assault group Anatoly Zhivov crept up to an embrasure and threw it bottles with gas mixture. And when the weapon emplacement after short silence revived again, Anatoly was rushed forth, having closed an embrasure the body. The enemy weapon emplacement choked. As a whirlwind his companions rose by storm and cruelly revenged for death of the fighting friend.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from September 23, 1944 to Anatoly Pavlovich Zhivov who has repeated a feat of Alexander Matrosov, posthumously appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Anatoly Zhivov's feat isn't forgotten. About it verses and songs are written, his name is carried by youth changes of the well-known Moscow combine "Three-mountain manufactory" and the Ternopol cotton combine, in the cities of Moscow and Ternopol is Anatoly Zhivov Street.

On a building facade in the Ukrainian city where battled and made the feat Anatoly, the memorial board is established. On it gold letters minted words: "Here in the spring of 1944 in fights for Ternopol 19-year-old soldier Anatoly Zhivov closed the body an embrasure fascist bunker. For a courageous feat the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union" is posthumously appropriated to it.


11.   Zenovsky Arkady Ivanovich

Zenovsky Arkady Ivanovich was born in 1920 in Aromashevsky’s Big Kucheryak village in Tumen area.

After the termination of seven-year school Arcady Zenkovsky worked as the tally keeper of a tractor brigade, then the accountant of collective farm. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Arcady Ivanovich Zenkovsky lived and worked in the settlement Karsakpay of the Karaganda area, from where left on the front on February 13, 1943.

The May Day of 1943 the private soldier Zenkovsky met on the Voronezh front. During heavy summer fighting on the Kursk arch his name began to call among the best machine gunners of the 10th Guards shooting regiment of the 6th Guards shooting division. Arcady Zenkovsky caused a stir and at speeding up of Dnepr. Then it was directed by command on front courses.

Quickly days of study and since February, 1944 second lieutenant Arcady Zenkovsky again in a native regiment where orders a shooting platoon in fights to the country Exactly flew by.

When on July 16, 1944 during storm of enemy positions in the village Vitkuv-Stary of the Stoyanovsky region of the Lvov area the commander of a company out of operation left, command was accepted by second lieutenant Arcady Ivanovich Zenkovsky. The division led by the new commander the first rushed into the village Vitkuv-Stary, as provided settlement release.

Some days later the 5th company of the 10th Guards shooting regiment which commander and there was Arcady Zenkovsky, approached to the Polish Vistula River. Fighters were forwarded on its left coast and there were fixed. Fascists tried to dump guardsmen in water, but it wasn't possible to them. Having reflected three counterattacks, and, having exterminated more than 40 soldiers and officers of the opponent, the company held the positions.

For courage and the courage shown in these fights, Arcady Zenkovsky was awarded the order the Red Star. It was accepted in party members.

On January 12, 1945, when armies of the 1st Ukrainian front began approach with the Sandomir’s base, the company Zenkovsky the first broke through defense of the opponent and successfully pursued it, destroying on the way all centers of resistance of the enemy.

From only 12 till January 26, 1945 Arcady Zenkovsky's company destroyed about 200 soldiers and officers of the opponent.

On January 26, 1945 Arcady Zenkovsky with the company the first forced the river Oder and within three days beat off counterattacks of the opponent. In the night of January 28, 1945 the company was unexpectedly attacked by infantry of the opponent supported by tanks. Fascists made all efforts for destruction of our base on the left river bank Oder, however, skillfully ordering a company, Arcady Zenkovsky beat off all attacks of superior forces of the opponent.

On January 31, 1945 at reflection of the next attack of infantry and tanks of the opponent Arcady Ivanovich Zenkovsky was lost.

For the courage shown in fights and heroism to the senior lieutenant Arcady Zenkovsky, the commander of the 5th company of the 10th Guards award of Bogdan Khmelnytsky of a shooting regiment, 6th Guards Rifle Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rivne division Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 10 April 1945 was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


12.   Ivanishko Feodor Yakovlevich.

Feodor Yakovlevich was born in 1910. Russian. To an appeal in ranks of Red Army lived and worked in the Dzhezkazgan area, nowadays the Karaganda area. Since February, 1943 Feodor Yakovlevich was in ranks of field army.

In fights for the Homeland Feodor Yakovlevich Ivanishko proved as the skillful and brave machine gunner. It was twice wounded. For their courage in battle and heroism December 31, 1943 was awarded the Order of Glory III degree, March 2, 1944 - Order of Glory II degree and was presented with the award of the Order of Glory of I degree.

The commander of machine-gun calculation of a separate Guards educational rifle battalion of the 67th Guards shooting division of guard foreman Feodor Ivanishko especially glorified itself in the summer of 1944 during fights in Belarus.

Here the short description of a fighting feat of Feodor Yakovlevich Ivanishko for which it was awarded a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union, stated in a gratuity list: "Being in defense, it gave all the abilities and knowledge in preparation of staff of the calculation for solving fights with fascist aggressors. Vigorous and skillful study of the subordinates of comrade Ivanishko rallied the calculation by the general hatred to the enemy, aspiration to an offensive rush. At last on June 24, 1944 calculation obtained the order on break of enemy defense around North to the west of Vitebsk.

Overcoming knots of resistance and artificial barriers of the opponent, calculation of comrade Ivanishko, moving always one of the first in fighting orders of a company, pernicious fire of the machine gun laid a way to coming infantry.

In difficult fights, clearing of Hitlerites one settlement behind another, its calculation passed during the day to 30 km and straight off, on hastily made on its personal initiative from make-shifts rafts, under furious fire of the opponent, despising death, with materiel and ammunition forced the Western Dvina River around Uzrechye. Without losing minutes, grenades and fire of the machine gun Ivanishko Feodor Yakovlevich suppressed weapon emplacements of the opponent and was fixed, having created the base for river speeding up by all battalion. The opponent, aspiring to keep the left river bank Western Dvina, furiously resisted, repeatedly organizing counterattacks. In this fierce fight Feodor Ivanishko in hand-to-hand fight destroyed 5 soldiers and one officer of the opponent, reflected counterattacks. And again its calculation rushed forward, with fight clearing each span of the earth of fascist aggressors.

During fights from June 24 to July 3, 1944 calculation of the Hero destroyed to 50 soldiers and officers of the opponent, took prisoner two Nazis and grasped 2 manual machine guns and 15 rifles. The operations Feodor Yakovlevich Ivanishko promoted performance of the fighting task delivered to a battalion.

From March 24, 1945 for shown in fights courage and personal heroism is appropriated to Ivanishko Feodor Yakovlevich by the decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Feodor Yakovlevich Ivanishko's further destiny is unknown.


13.   Kalmykov Nikolay Pavlovich.

 Nikolay Pavlovich Kalmykov was born in 1920 in the Skoromudovo village of Hmelnitsk area, Gorkov region. Russian.

In 1940 it is called in Red Army. The Great Patriotic War of the beginnings near Moscow also finished in Berlin.

Nikolay Pavlovich Kalmykov served as the gunner in the Far East. In November, 1941 arrived on the front, protected the capital near Serpukhov.

At speeding up of Dnepr the platoon of forty-five-mm tools was forwarded as a part of an advance party. During the first hours fight for the base one tool failed. Gunners one tool where Nikolai Kalmykov was the tipper-of, skillfully supported our infantry. During the 2nd counterattack of the opponent wounded the commander of a platoon and the commander of office. Command on itself was accepted by sergeant Kalmykov.

During the Belarusian operation the Soviet armies promptly moved ahead. In these fights the senior sergeant Nikolay Pavlovich Kalmykov perfectly proved. Only in one fight at Podrechye's village it destroyed about three tens Nazis and is lined the car with ammunition.

In some days Nikolay caused a stir again. At elimination of the surrounded group in the town Sviloch of its down covered a crossing through the river. Calculation with firmness reflected all counterattacks of the enemy. The commander of the tool was wounded, but remained in fight.

For courage and the firmness shown in this fight, Nikolaн Pavlovich Kalmykov was awarded the Order of Glory III degree. Order of Glory II degree it awarded for support of tanks and destruction of weapon emplacements of the opponent interfering approach of the Soviet armies at speeding up of the Oder River in the Berlin operation. Calculation of a seventy-six-mm gun which commander Nikolay Pavlovich Kalmykov ordered, was in the thick of fight. When the opponent tried to escape from an environment and business reached to hand-to-hand, the commander of the tool set an example bravery and courage, having destroyed five fascists. Even Wounded, he didn't leave a battlefield.

On April 16, 1945 parts of Red Army conducted approach to Berlin. from the Zaoder base in the direction of the city of Goltsov in one of fights its calculation destroyed two Nitrogen, destroyed three machine guns, tens Nazis. The way to Berlin was open. For a feat made at deduction of the base on the river Berezina, defeat of group of the opponent under the city of Bobruisk, Nikolay Pavlovich Kalmykov was awarded the Order of Glory I degree.

Nikolay Pavlovich now lives in the city of Balkhash, is the Honorary citizen of the city of Balkhash.


14.   Kamaldinov Farakh Gimdeevich.

Farakh Gimdeevich Kamaldinov was born in 1914 in a country family in the village Nurkay, nowadays the Krivosheinsky region of the Tomsk region. Tatar.

Upon termination of high school worked as the tractor operator-mechanic in collective farm, then the mechanic-mechanic in the West Siberian river shipping company.

In 1934 it was called in the Soviet Army. The participant of fights for the Homeland with Japanese militarists at the lake Hasan and in the 1939-1940th years — on the Finnish front.

Upon termination of in 1940 of the Moscow infantry school for a long time cast in the lot with army. Since the first days of the Great Patriotic War it at the front. The commander of a platoon of submachine gunners second lieutenant Kamaldinov Farakh Gimdeevich was always where it is more difficult, where fight where the help is necessary is hotter. More than once turned Hitlerites back heavy fire of the reliable submachine gunners which immensely were proud of the commander.

But communist Kamaldinov Farakh Gimdeevich sustained the main fight on the night of July 5th, 1943, protecting the city of Maloarkhangelsk of the Oryol region where it with the platoon repeatedly went to counterattack, successfully reflecting superior forces of the opponent. In this fight by a platoon of submachine gunners of Kamaldinov 7 enemy tanks and about 200 Nazis were destroyed.

Being wounded, Kamaldinov continued battle.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from August 27, 1943 to the commander of a platoon of submachine gunners of the 410th shooting regiment, the 81st shooting division, the 13th army, the Central front, the senior lieutenant Farakh Gimdeevich Kamaldinov appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. For feats of arms it is awarded by Lenin's awards, the Red Banner, Patriotic war of the I degree, the Red Star, medals.

Since 1980 the senior lieutenant of a stock Kamaldinov Farakh Gimdeevich lived in Temirtau. In 1986 with a family moved to Karaganda.

In August, 1987 Headlights Gimdeevich Kamaldinov died. It is buried on the Mikhaylov cemetery, near a mass grave of the soldiers who have died in 1941-1944 in hospitals of Karaganda.

The name of the Hero is immortalized on his homeland and places of participation in battles. In expositions of a museum of Fighting glory of HS No.11 of Temirtau materials about feats of arms of the Hero of the Soviet Union Farakh Gimdeevich are presented.


15.   Karabanov Ivan Andreevich.

Karabanov Ivan Andriyovych was born in 1925 in Chemodanovk's village of the Penza region. The childhood and youth carried out in Karaganda. Here studied in a seven-year, at FCD school, worked as the drifter of mine No. 33/34, the mechanic of a group of industrial enterprises. In 1943 it is called in ranks of the Soviet Army. Participated in fights on Leningrad and the 3rd Belarusian fronts.

About a year Ivan Karabanov served in spare shooting parts before got to Troitsk school of younger aviation experts at which half-month courses of air shooters worked.

In the winter of 1944 cadets arrived on the Leningrad front to a staff of air army. Tall soldiers immediately dispatched in parts, and thickset Ivan Karabanov had to wait. Karabanov was given assignment in the 999th assault aviation regiment of the 277th aviation division that supported land armies from air at the fortified city of Narva.

Air shooter Karabanov flied on an attack plane SILT-2 together with Ivan Maksimovich Derkach, same young and cocky. Happened Ivans in the most various alterations, more than once came face to face with death, but every time left live, safe and continued to draw the hard active duty.

The first departure on a fighting task almost became for them to the last. That day Derkach and Karabanov as a part of group of "Ils" took off for the district of Narva to take part in bombo-assault blow on enemy positions. Near to the purpose, over the wood, they were met by enemy fighters. "Ils" went down to height of 400-600 meters, dispersed around and, covering each other, began to process a first line of defense of the opponent. Such "roundabout" turned out. But fascist fighters nevertheless managed to break through a veil of fire of attack planes. The car of Derkacha and Karabanov was lined and failed in a fenny bog. It rescued crew from death. However to rejoice was early, Hitler pilots from low-level flight began to fire at the car and crew which hardly managed to leave a cabin. Derkach and Karabanov, continually, failing in fetid swill, managed to reach after all the wood, to take cover in its thicket.

Next day they safely reached the airfield.

Soon Ivan Karabanov was awarded by a medal "For courage".

The regiment and division continued to conduct persistent fight, both with land, and with the air opponent, striking bombing attacks to defensive works, congestions of armies and cargoes on the railways and the highway, to airfields of Finland, in the territory of Estonia, to the islands of Hiiumaa and Saarema. With each departure military skill of the pilot grew. Conducting supervision over the earth, distinguished pleated districts the military facilities, any special intuition guessed under smart masking of a gun and machine guns, tanks and cars. Efficiency of bombing attacks, rocket and artillery and machine-gun fire of an attack plane increased.

102 fighting departures were made by the war end by Ivan Andreevich Karabanov. In each of them there were difficulties and pleasures. In Ivan Karabanov's memory some episodes were brightly postponed. One of them - landing with bombs and with not let out chassis in the winter of 1945, then the plane and crew escaped only because there was a deep snow. There is more... one thousand lucky coincidences.

And short fight over a sea plait under Kenigsberg. Fascist Egyptian vultures lined the plane and it, having turned into the heap of metal collapsing hurriedly, failed in the sea. But Karabanov and the pilot managed to jump out on parachutes. Every other day they again were in air.

Another was remembered also, too the short instant which not at once has drawn to attention of front reporters. On group of "Ils" smashing German defense of Danzig, flew "messershmits". One of them came nearer to "Il" on very short distance and right there paid for it: three short turns which have been let out by Ivan Karabanov, interrupted flight of an Egyptian vulture. The air shooter grasped by fight, couldn't track further destiny of the fascist. And only in airfield from pilots and shooters of other crews Karabanov learned that "messer" lined with it fell and blew up. For these feats of our countryman was awarded the Order of Glory II and III l degrees.

The highest degree of in the Order of Glory Ivan Andreevich received after war in Karaganda which became for it the second Homeland.

The country came back to peace life. But Ivan Andreevich Karabanov remained in a fighting system for five years and in 1951 returned to Karaganda. Successfully worked the master of geophysical expedition and road-building management. Long time worked as the driver in the Regional consumer union and distributive networks. Since 1985 on the deserved rest.

Since 1979 is the Honorary citizen of the city of Karaganda.


16.   Kolbasov Nikolay Illarionovich.

 Nikolay Illarionovich Kolbasov was born in 1911, Russian. Before being drafted into the Red Army lived and worked in Karsakpay.

For the courage and bravery shown in combat on the Belgorod sector, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet decree of February 22, 1944 assigned to the commander 199th Guards Artillery Regiment, 92nd Infantry Order of Suvorov II degree of Zvenigorod-Berlin Division Nikolay Illarionovich Kolbasov title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nikolay Illarionovich was called in field army in October, 1942. Baptism of fire received in the Battle of Stalingrad. Nikolay Kolbasov showed the best qualities of the commander and the soldier in the Kursk and Oryol battle.

Here excerpts from the gratuity leaf filled on August 6, 1943: "On the Belgorod direction in the first day of fight on July 7, 1943, having rolled out the tool on an open position, the platoon of guard of second lieutenant Kolbasov entered single combat with German tiger tanks which went on our firing positions, a total number of 70 pieces. Kolbasov's gunners shot enemy tanks in an emphasis. Three times the enemy was rolled away and again attacked, but gunners again became a wall. The same day well-aimed fire raids from the two tools Kolbasov's platoon destroyed 46 cars with the enemy infantry, moving on roads to our positions.

On July 11, having concentrated to 150 tanks and two regiments of infantry, the opponent fell upon the left flank of defense 288 Guards shooting regiments. After fierce bombardment of our batteries on a site of brave gunners of Kolbasov there were 17 tiger tanks which fired on tools from three parties. Having developed tools, gunners met them breaking fire. Three tanks flared, but the enemy pressed. The direct hit of a shell crumpled a gun and Nikolay's gun crew is put out of action. Then Kolbasov himself rose at the tool. It was both for the tipper-of, and for charging, and for the carrier of shells. Admitting tanks of the enemy is closer, Kolbasov beat without a miss. It lined four more tanks which didn't reach its tool of everything on some tens meters.

People and shells in a platoon remained less, the enemy rearranged and again moved to Kolbasov's tool. The fearless commander organized perimeter defense and together with fighters infantrymen from an individual weapon exterminated about 100 Nazis. The opponent began to depart for the purpose of an environment of brave soldiers. Kolbasov lifted the remained people in counterattack and deduced them from a ring of enemy tanks and submachine gunners".

Zhezkazgan’s hero fell death brave in fights for liberation of Ukraine and it is buried in Drobinovk's village of Poltava region.

The Zhezkazgan Lenin Order Mining and Metallurgical Combine named after K.I. Satpayev established a prize named after N.I .Kolbasov.


17.   Kolody Ivan Mikhaylovich.

Ivan Mikhaylovich Kolody was born in 1912 in Kiyevka village of the Nurinsk area in a country family. Having moved to Uzbekistan, worked as the smith in a kishlak. In the same place ended educational program courses. From there at the beginning of war went to army and it was enlisted by the radio telegraph operator 118 artillery regiments of the 69th shooting division.

In the middle of October in many directions the crossing of our armies through Dnepr began. For boundary deduction the enemy concentrated huge forces. Everywhere there were cruel fights.

On October 15, 1943 near the town Radul of the Chernigov area operator Kolody together with the advanced infantrymen under storm fire forced the river Dnepr. On approaches to the west bank of Dnepr the rupture of a shell broke the boat, and the seriously wounded the operator together with a handheld transceiver went to a bottom. Overcoming pain, smelling oats, Ivan Mikhaylovich by swimming got out on the coast, and, bleeding profusely, constantly fainting, developed radio station. Improbable efforts established connection with the battery and started to correct its fire, accurately specifying gunners of the purpose. The opponent, having found a site of the radio operator, strengthened fire on this site. Shells and mines were torn by a row. And radio operator Kolody was compelled to transfer a handheld transceiver to a safe place several times.

Thanks to dedication of the operator and clearness of fixing it the purposes provided well-aimed work of our artillery. As a result one for another 16 weapon emplacements choked and batteries of the enemy became silent.

And our soldiers floated through Dnepr. Many of them are obliged by the life to the courageous operator. In this fight on Dnepr it was possible to our assault groups to beat off to 20 counterattacks of the opponent.

Between transfers of data on the battery of communists Kolody took direct part in these battles.

Kolody's feat was highly appreciated by the Homeland.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on October 30, 1943 radiotelegraph 118 Artillery Regiment of the 69th Infantry Division Red Sevsky, Corporal Ivan Mikhailovich Kolody the high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. It also was awarded the Lenin’s order, medals.

Health of the hero was undermined. In 1954 Ivan Mikhaylovich Kolody died. But memory of it is live.

The radio station and the machine gun of the hero are exhibited at the Central museum of Armed forces of the USSR in Moscow.


18.   Korneev Ivan Ilyich

Ivan Ilyich Korneev was born in 1914 in the Senokos village, nowadays the Youth area, the Karaganda area in a family of the peasant. Worked in state farm.

In Army served in 1936-1939, and since July, 1941 to the Victory — on Great Patriotic War fronts.

In January, 1945 of an army of the 1st Belarusian front successfully went over to the offensive on the Warsaw and Berlin direction, inflicting over the enemy essential defeats. Especially heavy fighting went near the city of Pobyanitsa (Poland) where sergeant Korneyev reflected attack of five tanks of the opponent, aspiring to leave an environment. Was two enemy cars are destroyed, and the others turned back.

The brave soldier held a position before reinforcement arrival. For this feat the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 27 February 1945 gunner 147th Guards Artillery Regiment, 15th Guards Cavalry Division, 7th Cavalry Corps of the Red Guards, the 1st Belorussian Front II Korneev was given the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ivan Ilyich Korneyev is awarded by Lenin's awards, the Red Banner, the Red Star, two awards of Patriotic war of the I degree, an award of Patriotic war of the II degree, medals.

Lives in the city of Zhigulevsk of Kuibyshev area.


19.   Kornienko Prokopy Prokopievich.

Prokopy Prokopievich Korniyenko was born in 1911 in Rostovk's village of the Telman area. The hereditary peasant and at the front caused a stir validity, resourcefulness and endurance, for what fighting companions loved it.

It is a lot of on its fighting account of the interesting episodes interfaced to big risk for life.

Once command charged to it to grasp "language" from among fascist officers.

Prokopy Prokopievich with a group of scouts quietly slipped into the headquarters of the German regiment. Fight broke out, in which almost all of Hitler's staff officers, except the chief of staff - a colonel, were killed. Daredevils scout staff took all the documents of the banner, and stout colonel scout Kornienko slung over his shoulders and brought to the headquarters of his division.

The most striking traits of military valor of Prokopy Prokopyevich were shown in the night of September 27, 1943, Razvedvzvod in whom private soldier Korniyenko served, received a task - having forced Dnepr, to provide the base for other divisions of a regiment.

Scout Korniyenko, having connected pair of the logs, the first floated through storm attack of the enemy through Dnepr. A floor a lump having come nearer to a machine-gun point of the opponent, destroyed it. Then with group of the appeared in time submachine gunners again joined in hot fight with the enemy in whom Prokopy Prokopyevich managed to "suppress" one more machine-gun calculation of the opponent.

Unexpectedly courageous and impudent throw of a reconnaissance platoon brought confusion in defending military divisions of the enemy. Scout Korniyenko with group of submachine gunners moved forward, having provided the base for transition to the right coast of Dnepr of all battalion.

In this fight by a reconnaissance platoon was the company of German infantry is destroyed.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from October 20, 1943 to the scout of a platoon of the 847th shooting regiment, the 303rd shooting division of the 57th army of the Steppe front to Korniyenko Prokopy Prokopyevich appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. It also was awarded the order Lenin, medals.

War proceeded. Prokopy Prokopyevich participated and in liberation of Moldova.

After the war, Procopius Prokopievich Kornienko worked in Tokarevka rayepolkome, military enlistment office.

Died on June 10, 1972.

The name of the Hero isn't forgotten. Streets in Tokarevka's settlement and Rostovka's village are called his name.


20.   Kuryatov Victor Konstantinovich.

Victor Konstantinovich Kuryatov in 1925 was born in the village River the Kurgan region. Russian.

In seventeen years the volunteer left on the front. On roads of war there passed from Stalingrad to the Austrian city Weisberg.

Victor Konstantinovich received baptism of fire near Stalingrad as a part of the 38th shooting division created in Kazakhstan. For valor and courage it is awarded by two medals "For courage". In hot battles for Stalingrad it was wounded.

After hospital V. Kuryatov was at war the scout in the 61st Guards shooting division. To the south of Tiraspol the group of scouts into which Victor Kuryatov entered, received a task to reconnoiter and drown weapon emplacements in the heart of defense of the opponent. Having successfully carried out of a task, coming back to the, scouts found a staff of Nazis. Decided to take "language". Kuryatov silently removed the sentry, and other scouts rushed into a dugout. In captivity grasped the officer, the others destroyed.

On August 20, 1944 the Soviet armies began Yassko-Kishinev operation. In the first fight sergeant Kuryatov went in to the attack and entrained scouts. Having rushed into a German trench, it threw grenades two machine guns, escaped after art preparation, destroyed from the machine gun of the officer and three soldiers of the opponent.

Dared and resolutely guardsman Victor Kuryatov and the next days of this fight acted. In a week it destroyed fifteen and took prisoner ten Nazis.

On January 22, 1945 the senior sergeant Victor Kuryatov with 14 scouts obtained the order to take "language" near the Hungarian village Sharp. Break of defense of the opponent here was outlined. When approaching to enemy positions the reconnaissance group was found and fired from machine guns. But soldiers didn't recede. With shout "For me, children! Hurrah!" young communist Victor Kuryatov went in to the attack. Behind it scouts directed. Short hand-to-hand fight - and a trench was taken. The success of scouts was fixed by infantrymen. The commander of reconnaissance group Kuryatov in this fight destroyed two machine guns and to fifteen enemy soldiers. When on it because of a trench the German, the scout jumped, having dodged, disarmed the enemy and delivered in a staff of a regiment of "language".

For heroic feats the commander of reconnaissance office Victor Konstantinovich Kuryatov is awarded by awards of Glory of three degrees.

The stout gentleman of an award of Glory worked at Zhezkazgan mining and metallurgical combine of a name K.I. Satpayev. Nowadays the pensioner, lives in the city of Satpayev.


21.   Lebedev Semen Andrianovich

Semen Andrianovich Lebedev was born in 1919 in "a country family. Zakharovk's small steppe village of the Nura area left the outstanding pilot, the brave defender of boundaries of the country during fascist invasion. Having ended in 1938 the Kaczynski military college, the young military pilot served in the Far East.

Since April, 1943 Semen Andrianovich directly participated in operations against German aggressors. Took part in fights for liberation of the Crimea, Baltic, Belarus. Our fellow countryman communist Simeon Lebedev battled to fascist aggressors as the hero, defending together with the companions each span of the Soviet earth. For excellent services in battle major Lebedev is awarded the order Lenin, three awards of the Red Banner, an award of Alexander Nevsky, two awards of Patriotic war of the I degree, an award of the Red Star, medals.

For years of the Great Patriotic War Semen Andrianovich made about 200 fighting departures, participated in 34 air fights in which brought down 22 planes of the opponent. Noting outstanding abilities, and also its skillful management of a squadron and education of pilots, command of a regiment presented the commander of an aviasquadron of the 43rd destructive aviation regiment, the 278th destructive aviation division, the 1st air army, Lebedev Simeon Andrianovich's 3rd Belarusian front to the highest military difference. In February, 1945 the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR to it appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The gentleman of the Gold Star finished war in Berlin where made the last two hundred fighting departure and brought down the twenty second plane of the opponent.

After war scientific colonel Lebedev devoted itself to training of defenders of the Homeland in Military and air academy of a name of N.E.Zhukovsky in Moscow.


22.   Mamyraev Martbek

Mamraev Martbek was born in 1908 in the «First May» village of Karkaraly region. Grew and was created as the personality in a country family on steppe open spaces.

In 1921 on a Komsomol appeal Martbek came to construction of Big Karaganda and forever cast in the lot with it. Worked as a Nava digger at mine, then upon termination of courses — the electrical engineer and the mechanic of a site. Since 1936 — the chairman of committee and since 1940 — the leader of communists of mine No. 3.

When punched for the Homeland terrible hour on its protection since May, 1942 there was also Martbek Mamrayev.

Walls of Stalingrad had the first baptism of fire of the soldier from Kazakhstan where it was wounded and till August, 1943 was in hospital. And then — again in fight as a part of native to it the 12th Guards shooting division which went to approach to the country Dimitrov. Martbek Mamrayev's rifle company was ahead of all. When enemy fire fell upon it, mortally wounded commander of a company told: "Senior sergeant Mamrayev! Accept command".

For valor and skillful command of a company in this fight Mamrayev was awarded the order the Red Banner.

With fights there was Martbek to the west. At the end of September, 1943 the Soviet armies left to Dnepr, storm of a water barrier began. On the remains of the temporary crossing blown up by fascists Mamrayev's calculation got over on other coast. Three days and three nights machine gunners of communist Mamrayev under heavy fire of the opponent kept the base. In this fight Mamrayev was again wounded, but a battlefield didn't leave. Fighters one by one failed, and the senior sergeant Mamrayev supported a crossing of the Soviet divisions. Operation on speeding up of Dnepr was complete successfully. The son of the Kazakh people conducted fights lasting many days for the Ukrainian capital, successfully stormed crossings of the opponent through gray-haired Dnepr.

It was difficult, but Mamrayev stood and won.

For the military valor shown at speeding up of Dnepr, guard to the senior sergeant to the commander of machine-gun calculation of the 32nd Guards shooting regiment, the 12th Guards shooting division, the 61st Army to Martbek Mamrayev the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from January 15, 1944 appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. It is awarded also the order Lenin, an award of Patriotic war of the I degree.

After demobilization from ranks of the Soviet Army Martbek Mamrayev worked party organizer at mine of Kirov, then the first secretary of the Lenin district committee of party as the vice-chairman of the Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies of the city of Karaganda.

The last years of the life worked at Chemical and metallurgical institute. Died on November 22, 1989.

Valorous work of the Honorary citizen of Karaganda Mamrayev in a peace time is noted by an award "Honor Sign", diplomas of the Supreme Council Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic, medals.


23.   Marinych Ivan Ivanovich

Ivan Ivanovich Marinych was born in 1919 in villages ө Raisovka of the Kokchetav area. Lived in Karaganda and from here in January, 1943 it was called up for military service.

The first baptism of fire received in July, 1943 as a part of the 5th Guards army.

Repeatedly heroism and resourcefulness of the commander of a gun crew of the senior sergeant Marinych threw into enemies confusion. His fighting was honored with the Order of Glory III and II degrees, World War I and II levels.

Guardsman Marinych made the main feat in January, 1945 when its gun crew of three days helped infantrymen to constrain an impact of Nazis on the left coast of Oder near the city the Brig (Poland) and kept the base. In a course of action it destroyed a large number of Hitler soldiers and military equipment.

For Service in Battle to Ivan Ivanovich Marinych Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on June 27, 1945 was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, was awarded the Order of Lenin and medals.

After war Ivan Ivanovich Marinych lives in the city of Frunze.


24.   Miller Peter Klimentyevich

Miller Peter Klimentyevich was born in 1910 in Ukraine. In 1933 it was called in ranks of Red Army. After the termination in 1936 of involuntary service Peter Miller arrived to the city of Balkhash on construction of the largest copper-smelting combine. From there in May, 1942 left to beat fascist aggressors.

Autumn of 1943 Peter Miller met the skilled soldier. Behind his shoulders there were one and a half years of illegal front life, bitterness of defeats, pleasure of the first victories. It already was twice wounded. For services in battle it is awarded the order the Red Star. After treatment in hospital the senior sergeant Peter Miller got to one of regiments of the 167th division of guards which soon with fights left to Dnepr.

On the night of October 26, 1943 the platoon of the senior sergeant Miller together with other divisions of a division began a crossing through the river Dnepr. Fascists opened fire from machine guns and mortars on boats in which there were fighters of a platoon of Peter Miller. Only one of boats reached the right coast of Dnepr and in it live there were only two: wounded machine gunner Feodor Parshin and Peter Miller. Having quickly dug round, heroes engaged. Operating it is courageous and dexterous, they destroyed two weapon emplacements together with calculations, distracting attention of Germans, provided a crossing of the battalion.

Next day the Guards regiment led approach for the purpose of base expansion. Nazis continually passed to counterattacks.

In the field of fight two German tanks smoked, the third tank continued to fire at positions of guardsmen. Having taken cover behind a narrow-gage railway embankment, Peter Miller crept up to this tank and a well-aimed throw of the grenade destroyed crew, having given the chance to a regiment to pass to counterattack. Soon the reinforcement and forces approached to Germans became unequal. Guardsmen started to depart to Dnepr. Then Peter Miller also encountered the padded German tank. Without deliberating, it got into the car, slammed the hatch and opened fire on coming fascists from their machine guns.

It is a lot of were killed fascists at this tank, but here ammunition came to an end. On the reservation began to knock shod boots: "Rus, give up!" Peter Miller shot from the gun at the Germans, trying to lift the hatch twice. The third boss left for itself, the last boss... And suddenly reached mighty Russian "Ur!" It is the next division, having forwarded through Dnepr, went over to the offensive against Germans who hasty began to recede.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from January 10, 1944 for this feat at speeding up of Dnepr to Miller Peter Klimentyevich appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

In dapneyshy Peter Miller was at war in the Carpathians. The Victory Day met in Czechoslovakia.

After war Peter Klimentyevich returned to a profession of the metallurgist, worked in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk at lead-zinc combine of V.I.Lenin.

In days of celebration of the 20 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War at an entrance in metallurgical shop of Balkhash mining and metallurgical combine the memorial board with the words cast from copper was established: "In metallurgical shop Hero of the Soviet Union P. K.Miller" worked from 1937 to 1942 the loader.


25.   Moroz Arsenty Ignatyevich

Arsenty Ignatyevich Moroz all life lived the 1914th year of birth in our corner of the world. Ukrainian.

Before war worked in the first (nowadays of Sverdlov) state farm. The volunteer Frost from first days of war courageously battled at the front, for what was awarded the order the Red Star, medals.

The sergeant Frost made an outstanding feat during a regiment crossing through Dnepr. The group of mortar left on September 23, 1943 to a crossing to deliver ammunition to the brother-soldiers who have already taken positions on the west bank of the river. Fascists opened heavy machine-gun fire. Our mortar were compelled to lie down. Then the sergeant Frost and group of daredevils it is reserved came into the back to fascists, sudden attack beat out Nazis from their positions and from the grasped machine gun opened fire. Danger to being-forwarded carriers of mines was liquidated.

Eight times Nazis undertook attempts to overturn to Dnepr the Soviet soldiers, but each time were rolled away under fire from a machine gun grasped at fascists by Arsenty Moroz. Next time, when on fighting orders of a regiment fascist tanks went, the commander of office the Frost didn't become puzzled: having replaced in the field of fight of the victim of a anti-tank riflemen, it two shots from an anti-tank gun set fire to the enemy tank.

Thanks to resourceful actions of the commander of mortar of the Frost the base on the right coast of Dnepr  was expanded. The Soviet armies went to further approach.

The homeland highly appreciated a feat of arms of our fellow countryman.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from October 26, 1943 to Arsenty Ignatyevich Moroz appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Arsenty Ignatyevich Moroz died on May 29, 1962. It is buried in the city of Donetsk.


26.   Nurzhanov Kazbek Beysenovich

Kazbek Beysenovich Nurzhanov was born in 1919 in the village Aktogay of the Aktogay area, nowadays the Karaganda area. Kazakh.

Since 1939 in the ranks of Red Army.

The commander of a platoon of investigation of the 61st exterminatory division of the 5th shooting division the senior sergeant Kazbek Nurzhanov took part in the Great Patriotic War since April, 1942. Battled on Volga, under the Eagle, Zush, Desna, Sozh, Dnepr, Drut, Berezina forced the rivers. Its fighting way is laid by heroism and glory. In fights under Zolotarevom Kazbek Nurzhanov, ordering office of anti-tank riflemen, fire of an anti-tank gun set fire to the fascist tank, and its office destroyed three enemy cars.

On advantage evaluated fearlessness and sharpness of the senior sergeant Nurzhanov, command of a division charged to it to head a platoon of scouts. At river Drut speeding up around a mark 149,7 under fire of the opponent they reconnoitered and supplied valuable information which soon helped to reflect tank attacks. Around state farm "May Day" Nurzhanov with the platoon came into the back of Nazis, having barred it withdrawal ways. In this fight it personally destroyed eight Nazis, and fighters of its platoon took 97 fascists led by the captain in captivity. For services in battle Kazbek Nurzhanov was awarded by awards of the Red Banner and Slava III of degree, a medal "For courage".

In fights at a capture of the city of Volkovyssk the soldier from Kazakhstan headed the group of capture operating on the flank. Resolute actions of group spread panic in a camp of the enemy. Hitlerites ran, laying down military equipment and arms. Pursuing the enemy, Kazbek Nurzhanov took prisoner three fascists, including the officer. Despising death, it rushed in Volkovyssk, entraining coming infantry. In this fight Kazbek Nurzhanov was mortally wounded,

For the shown courage and heroism the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR the Decree from March 24, 1945 posthumously appropriated to Kazbek Nurzhanov a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

27.   Pavlov Yury Nikolaevich

Yury Nikolaevich Pavlov was born in 1922 in Urumqi (People's Republic of China). Before war worked as the electrical engineer, the electrician at the Karaganda CES. From here also it was called in 1941 in army. In active operations on the Korsun-Shevchenko direction proved as the hero. Forced Bug, Dnepr, the Rod. In the Prut valley drove fighters in bayonet attacks. In the foothills of the Carpathians put out of action fascist tanks.

But especially the commander with the company in fights on the Polish earth where, overcoming furious resistance of the enemy caused a stir, occupied the village Kyrpitsi, having forced Zhizhya's river, seized a monastery — an important strong point of fascists and to a reinforcement approach, within days held this boundary, having reflected seven violent attacks of the opponent.

For the heroism shown in fights and courage the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from September 13, 1944 of guard to the senior sergeant to the commander of a company of the 929th shooting regiment, the 254th shooting division, the 52nd army to Yury Nikolaevich Pavlov appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Pavlov is awarded the order also Lenin, an award of Patriotic war of the I degree, medals.

After the Great Patriotic War termination the nice Hero lives in the city of Almaty. Giproniikhimmash worked as the deputy director of institute.


28.   Pankov Ivan Kirillovich

Ivan Kirillovich Pankov was born in 1925 in Karpovk's village (within Carlo-Libknekhtovsk) Donetsk region in a family of the employee. Upon termination of 8 classes in to Artemyevsk he moved to the village Batpak of the Osakarov region of the Karaganda area.

Since January, 1943 it is called in Red Army and since 1944 — at the front. In Semipalatinsk comprehended a military science, became in ranks of air paratroopers.

Especially sergeant Pankov caused a stir guards on June 21, 1944 at break of defense of the opponent on the river Svir, about the city of Lodeyn field of Leningrad area. He as a part of special group participated in demonstration actions with effigies on imitation of speeding up of the river for the purpose of detection of an arrangement of enemy weapon emplacements.

For the great quest Guard sergeant Pankov Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 21 July 1944 was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Communist Pankov was also awarded the Order of Lenin, Order of the Patriotic War I degree, medals.

After war, having ended officer courses, became the lieutenant of a stock.


29.   Podsadnik Nikolay Georgievich

Nikolay Georgiyevich Podsadnik was born in 1922 in Vitebsk area. Belarusian. Before conscription studied at high school No. 1 of. Bitter city of Balkhash.

In 1940 Nikolay was called up for military service Balkhash the recruitment.

He since the childhood dreamed of aircraft, and this dream brought it into the Orenburg military aviation college. Here Nikolay Georgiyevich was found also by war.

Since 1943 after the termination of aviation school Nikolay Podsadnik was at the front. It took part in release from fascist aggressors of Kiev, Lvov, Kishinev, Romania, Yugoslavia, Austria.

For the shown courage and courage it was awarded by two awards of the Red Banner, an award of Patriotic war of the II degree, has 16 thanks of the Supreme command.

On November 6, 1943 Nikolay Podsadnik conducting groups of eight attack planes SILT-2, received a task to strike assault blow on armies of the opponent departing on Zhitomirsk Highway. Nikolay Podsadnik executed this task on "perfectly". Decreasing to low-level flight, doing on 4-5 calling, it struck assault blows to departing armies therefore the opponent suffered bad losses in manpower and equipment.

On July 15, 1944 Nikolay Podsadnik, being the leader of group of 12 SILT-2 planes, received a task to strike assault blow on a congestion of tanks of the opponent torn in the flank to coming parts of Red Army. In spite of the fact that weather didn't favor to task performance, the group of attack planes led by Nikolay Podsadnik struck powerful blow to a congestion of tanks of the opponent, as a result the enemy couldn't pass to the flank to our coming parts. Nikolay Podsadnik's all fighting way is filled with examples of heroism, courage and courage.

From August 18, 1945 for successful performance of 101 fighting departures by the SILT-2 plane on bombing, investigation and a strafe of manpower and equipment of the opponent both the courage shown thus and heroism Podsadnik Nikolay Georgiyevich was awarded with the decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the highest government award of a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


30.   Pokatilov Nikolay Izotovich

Nikolay Izotovich Pokatilov was born in 1920.

Since 1942 the mortar as a part of the 837th shooting regiment of the 238th shooting division participated in fights near Bryansk and the Eagle, at liberation of Belarus, at Kenigsberg's storm and Danzig, differing courageous actions.

For heroism in battle, Nicholas Izotovich Pokatilov awarded in 1944 the Order of Glory III degree, in 1945, the Order of Glory II degree, Order of Glory of I degree.

After war got demobilize and lived in the city of Karaganda.

Nikolay Izotovich died in 1996.


31.   Ponomarev Mikhail Sergeyevich

Mikhail Sergeyevich Ponomarev was born on December 15, 1920 in the village of Alekseyevka of the Vishnev region of the Tselinograd area.

After the termination of 9 classes moved to Karaganda and began to work at one of mines.

Since 1940 it served in Red Army. In 1942 graduated from military school of aviapilots. After that the young pilot since March, 1943 participates in fights on Great Patriotic War fronts.

From October, 1944 to June, 1947 Mikhail Sergeyevich Ponomarev served in the Army Polish, then in formation of the Soviet Air Force.

For self-denying performance of an office duty by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from November 13, 1951 the high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is appropriated to captain Ponomarev Mikhail Sergeyevich.

It is awarded the order Lenin, two awards of the Red Banner, an award of Patriotic war of the I degree and a foreign award.

Since 1968 — the colonel in a stock.


32.   Sidorkov Semen Matveevich

Semen Matveevich Sidorkov was born in 1908 in the village the Site of ancient settlement of the Orel region in a country family. The romantic at heart, it aspired to new, novel. So it, having appeared in the thirties in Karaganda, began working at the mine number 1-bis. And at heavy o'clock for the Homeland in March, 1942 Semen Sidorkov the volunteer left on the front. It enlisted in a household artillery troop, and soon lance sergeant Sidorkov already ordered 76-mm the tool.

September, 1943. Central front. Our armies after persistent offensive combats left to Dnepr. The crossing on the west bank became complicated because of heavy fire of the opponent.

The 12th Division of guards in which communist Sidorkov battled, began to operate quickly and resolutely, using any make-shifts.

To one of the first forwarded the 76-mm to a guard down lance sergeant Sidorkov and at once engaged. It occurred near to the village Glushets of the Gomel area. Sidorkov's calculation, reflecting tank counterattacks, lined the tank, two armoured cars, one car with ammunition and destroyed 30 Nazis.

The base on the left coast of Dnepr allowed to fix and expand resourcefulness and well-aimed fire of guardsman Sidorkov and to create favorable conditions for approach of divisions of a regiment and a division.

Guardsman Sidorkov was twice awarded by a medal "For courage", and the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from January 15, 1944 of guard to the lance sergeant, the commander of 76 mm of the tool of the battery, the 37th Guards shooting regiment, the 12th Guards shooting division, the 61st Army of the Central front to Sidorkov Semen Matveevich appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

After demobilization Semen Matveevich Sidorkov worked as the chairman of the Village Soviet, then the chairman of collective farm in Tula region.

In August 1950, he was tragically killed and buried in the village Komarevo Arsenyev district of Tula region.

In Karaganda the street is called a name of hero Sidorkov Semen Matveevich.


33.   Spitsyn Vasily Petrovich

Vasily Petrovitch Spitsyn was born in 1922 in Krasnyank's village of the Tambov (Voronezh) region. Russian.

Before the Great Patriotic War his family moved to the city of Balkhash where Vasily Petrovitch worked at the copper-smelting plant.

In July, 1941 Vasily Petrovitch Spitsyn was called in ranks of Red Army. Vasily Petrovitch as a part of the 310th shooting division created in the city of Akmola (nowadays Astana) Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic was at war.

Vasily Petrovitch received baptism of fire near Leningrad, being the tipper-of of an artillery piece.

The military way of the Balkhash turner on Great Patriotic War roads was long. It defended the city of Leningrad, released Pskov, Novgorod, Baltic, Poland, East Prussia.

From March 31 to April 2, 1944 at break of defense of the opponent at Kuzmino and Voronino villages of the Pskov area gunners of seven-ten-six-mm tools acted in fighting orders of infantry. Well-aimed fire Vasily Spitsyn destroyed the enemy gun, two machine guns with calculation, broke observation post and destroyed to twenty enemy soldiers and officers, than helped infantry to carry out a fighting task. For this feat the commander of a division handed over to the tipper-of of the tool Vasily Petrovitch Spitsyn degree Slava's III award.

On February 27, 1945 near the city of Hammerstein of East Pomerania the column of our armies was suddenly attacked by large strengths of the opponent. Under ruptures of artillery shells and strong gun and machine-gun fire the gun crew of sergeant Sinitsyn the first in the battery developed the tool to fight and opened reciprocal fire. Their example was followed by all the gunners who shot down two enemy tanks and put down several enemy emplacements. Enemy attack was stopped, the group of Germans scattered. To Vasily Spitsyn for this fight presents the Order of Glory II degree.

The commander of the tool Vasily Petrovitch Spitsyn dared and resolutely operated as well in fights for mastering by the large industrial center and the port Gdynia.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Sergeant Spitsyn for courage and heroism during the liberation of the old Polish town, was awarded the Order of Glory of I degree.

After the Victory Vasily Petrovitch Spitsyn returned to the city of Balkhash on copper-smelting plant where worked more than 30 years.

For high indicators in work Vasily Petrovitch was awarded the order October Revolution and several medals.

The honorary citizen of the city of Balkhash Vasily Petrovitch Spitsyn died in 1979.

34.   Mutash Suleymenov

Mutash Suleymenov was born on September 10, 1921 in a family of the peasant poor in the village Kazgorodok of the Nura region of the Karaganda area.

Studied at the Kazakh high school. Since May, 1941 to an appeal in Red Army worked as the tally keeper accountant in collective farm of Tchkalov of the Nurinsk area. From January 12, 1942 to October, 1945 served in ranks of the Soviet Army. Since October 1942 he served in the 364th Regiment of the Red 139 m Roslavl Red Army 49 division of the 2nd Belorussian Front commander and gunner guns of 45 mm cannon.

Participating in fights as a part of 364 Red Army the shelf, for the shown courage and bravery it was awarded by two medals "For courage". In Belarus Mutashev Suleimenov received his first degree Order of Glory III. It happened in July, 1944. In fights for the settlement frontier calculation which sergeant Suleymenov ordered, destroyed two weapon emplacements of the opponent and to 20 soldiers, having provided a way forward to regiment divisions.

In fights under the city of Knyshin and to nearby settlements tool calculation by the fire destroyed three machine-gun points of fascists and about two tens Nazis, thereby promoted infantry advance. During these fights sergeant Mutashev Suleimenov was presented the Order of Glory II degree.

And the Order of Glory I degree was handed over to Mutash Suleymenova on June 29, 1945. The brave soldier from Kazakhstan was awarded with this award for bravery and the courage shown in fights in the territory of Poland.

On May 9, 1945 Mutash Suleymenov met in vicinities of Berlin.

Mutash Suleymenov was three times wounded. Got demobilize according to the Decree of the Supreme Council of the USSR from October 25, 1945 on wound. After demobilization from June 1, 1946 to 1987 worked as the teacher, the teacher of initial military preparation at the Kazakh high school of the Nura region of the Karaganda area.

In 1968 in absentia graduated from department of history of the Karaganda teacher training college.

The participant of Parade of the Victory on Red Square which took place on June 24, 1954, the Parades of the Victory devoted to the 40 anniversary and the 50 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

On May 7, 1990 it was invited by the President of the USSR Gorbachev M. S. to a meeting to the Kremlin, devoted to the 45 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

Excellent pupil of national education Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic and educations of the USSR.

The Soviet Socialist Republic from April 30, 1975 is awarded by the Certificate of honor of the Supreme Council Kazakh.

Honorary citizen of the city of Karaganda.

In honor of the hero one of houses of Karaganda (Republic Street) is called.

35.   Syrtlanov Mullayar Islamgarayevich

Mullayar Islamgarayevich Syrtlanov was born 1923 in Bashkiria.

Since 1941 worked at Karaganda mines. In 1942 left on the front.

The rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is appropriated for courage and the heroism shown at speeding up of Dnepr. Mullayar Islamgarayevich was lost 1944.


36.   Tokmakov Evgeny Petrovich

Evgeny Petrovitch Tokmakov was born in 1916. Since 1939, having received profession of the pilot of GVF, lived in Karaganda and worked as the pilot in local aviagroup. From here, in 1941 it was called up for military service, where received profession of already military pilot. Since 1943 joined in active front life, steadily came out the winner in air battles. But its main task — to deliver to command valuable data on a dislocation of fighting connections of the opponent.

Near the city of the Eagle captain Evgeny Tokmakov carried out a special task — photographed airfield of the opponent. It was attacked then at once by two German "Messerschmitt" and the brave pilot with 18 holes in a plane fuselage separated from them.

The valuable data revealed as a result of supervision over enemy airfields, pilot Tokmakov delivered to command and fast on lifting our fighters destroyed Nazi planes, equipment of the opponent. So was near Old Russia.


37.   Teryaev Peter Iosifovich

Peter Iosifovich Teryaev was born in 1922 in the city of Karkaraly. In December, 1940 it was called up for military service and enlisted by the cadet of the Orenburg aviaschool.

He was 19 years old when war began, and since March, 1943 — her participant. The fearless pilot battled in the sky for liberation of Donbass, the Crimea, Sevastopol, Belarus, Baltic. Made impudent raids to East Prussia. Only at liberation of Donbass and the Crimea it destroyed 14 enemy tanks, 9 planes, 19 tools, 23 armoured troop-carriers, 43 cars, and all it made 154 fighting departures on storm of the opponent.

In two years of front life Peter Iosifovich Teryaev was awarded the order Lenin, four awards of the Fighting Red Banner, an award of Alexander Nevsky, an award of Patriotic war of the I degree, medals.

On February 15, 1945 during Kenigsberg's storm by armies the 1st and the 3rd Belarusian fronts in the sky were carried out the fighting task by a squadron of the 23-year-old commander, guard of major Peter Teryaev. But Nazis were possible manage the commander plane, and the car captured by a flame communist Peter Teryaev, like Nikolay Gastello and hero fellow countryman Nurken Abdirov, sent to a thick of enemy equipment, having caused to the enemy a big loss at the price of the life.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from April 19, 1945 of guard to the major, the commander of a link of the 76th assault aviation regiment of the 1st Guards assault aviation division, the 1st Air Army, the 3rd Belarusian front to Peter Iosifovich Teryaev appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

On May 8, 1945, a day before the Victory, command 2 Guards Armies issued the order on creation of the first architectural and sculptural Victory ensemble begun at once on a place of burial of 1200 soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army, fallen at Kenigsberg's storm (nowadays Kaliningrad). Among them and our fellow countryman Peter Teryaev.

This monument of fighting glory first in the country was open on September 30 the same year. Any monument in the country wasn't constructed so quickly (in 5 months) at such large volume of works: a pentahedral 26-meter obelisk in the center of the area and two sculptural groups on either side of, symbolizing "storm" and "victory".

The unusual patriotic lifting reigning in a course of building, amplified also that the monument was constructed in Kenigsberg — a nest of the German militarism, from where aggressors repeatedly bore death on our earth.

One of Karkaraly streets is called a name of the Hero. In honor of Peter Iosifovich Teryaev will erect an obelisk in Zharm's settlement of Semipalatinsk area where he lived some time with parents to service in army. To local school where he studied, his name is appropriated, the Fighting feat of Kazakhstan citizen Peter Iosifovich Teryaev is shined in an exposition of a museum of the Vilnius school No. 97 in Lithuania.

In the city of Semipalatinsk on a building of automotive technical school the memorial board is established in honor of Peter Iosifovich Teryaev.


38.   Unchinbaev Zhaksynbek  Tleuovich

Zhaksynbek Tleuovich Unchibayev was born in 1922 in the Zhezkazgan area. Kazakh.

In December, 1941 it is called in ranks of the Soviet Army. In fights with fascist aggressors participated on the Voronezh, Steppe, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. It is three times wounded. At the front it is accepted in members of CPSU.

On December 18, 1943 heavy fight for height 147,2 at the city Krivoy Rog inflamed. The senior sergeant Unchibayev quickly prepared for guard data for firing, in due time gave commands for change of a firing position, suppressing the found purposes. This day Unchibayev's calculation by well-aimed fire of a mortar lined two cars with cargo, destroyed and disseminated to two platoons of infantry of the opponent. For this feat the Order of Glory III degree is handed over to Unchibayev.Germans, trying to detain further advance of our regiments, February 27 undertook furious counterattacks, the infantry was supported by tanks and self-propelled tools. On a joint of two rifle battalions Nazis managed to put in our defense. Enemy submachine gunners approached to firing positions of mortar. Despite imminent danger to be cut off from the, calculations continued to fire on the attacking. Won courage and firmness. On a breast of guard of foreman Unchibayev the Order of Glory II degree began to sparkle. In this fight it was wounded. After hospital in the autumn of 1944 Zhaksynbek Tleuovich Unchibayev enlist the assistant to the commander of a platoon of investigation with whom many times carried out courageous impudent sorties.

On February 17, 1945 the opponent after two-hour artillery preparation by force to two infantry divisions supported by 150 tanks and self-propelled tools, went over to the offensive North to the west of Budapest. The group of scouts headed by foreman Unchibayev, was put forward to Kemendi's farm where covered approaches to a crossing through Gron's river. Hardly occupied a boundary as to guardsmen rushed to 30 tanks and two battalions of infantry. Forces were unequal. Zhaksynbek ordered to admit the enemy closer and to be sure of the aim.

When to the enemy purpose there were two-three hundred meters, scouts opened on attacking machine-gun fire. Nazis lay down, and then began to move back. At this time guardsmen, the tanker who have taken cover in ruins of houses, began firing on tanks of the enemy.

The platoon which foreman Unchibayev headed guards, destroyed to 200 soldiers and officers of the opponent, 17 Nazis were taken prisoner.

For this feat Zhaksynbek Unchibayev Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council USSR from May 15, 1946 was awarded the Order of Glory I degree.

Zhaksynbek Unchibayev died in 1994.

39.   Ulyanin Feodor Ivanovich

Feodor Ivanovich Ulyanin was born in 1915 in Boltunovk's village (nowadays Ulyanino) the Saratov region.

In 1935 Feodor Ulyanin together with parents moved to Karaganda. Together with the father and brother Vasily worked at mine No. 17 of Kalinin. In a year Feodor called up for military service.

He received the first baptism of fire on the lake Hasan, then the young commander was at war on the Finnish front.

War found Ulyanin transferred to the reserve in Murmansk. In August, 1941 it at the front. Drove in fight the rifle battalion on the Karelian, Central, Belarusian fronts, battled at walls of Moscow.

Awarded for bravery Lenin's awards, the Red Banner and the Red Star, communist Ulyanin at the end of 1943 was at war with the battalion on the Belarusian earth.

On the night of June 24, 1944 near the village Twins major Ulyanin without loss forwarded the battalion through the river Drut.

Carrying away in attack for itself soldiers, with strong support of our artillery, the first rushed into trenches of the opponent, occupied the main height and provided success of fight of all division.

Battalion of major Ulyanin, overcoming furious resistance of the opponent, released the village Small Plaksinya and opened a way to coming Soviet armies to Bobruisk.

Mortally wounded Feodor Ivanovich Ulyanin continued to order the battalion up to deep break of enemy defense.

The brave commander was lost in the field of fight.

Soldiers revenged for death of the favorite commander. Having crushed large group of the enemy, grasped 2500 cars with cargo and arms, 10 self-propelled guns "Ferdinand" and took prisoner 400 fascist soldiers and officers.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from August 23, 1944 to the major Feodor Ivanovich Ulyanin posthumously appropriated a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Miners of Karaganda enlisted the Hero the Honorable miner of the city, and one of streets of the regional center is called his name.

Feodor Ivanovich Ulyanin forever remains in a system of the Karaganda inhabitants.


40.   Horuzhaya Vera Zakharovna

Vera Zakharovna Horuzhaya was born on September 27, 1903 in the city of Bobruisk of Belarus. Belorussian. From 1924 to 1932 — the secretary of the underground Central Committee of KSM of the Western Belarus and the member of the Central Committee of KSM of Poland. Since 1941 — one of heads of a party underground on Vitebshchin.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from May 17, 1960 for active participation in revolutionary activity and shown in fight against fascist invaders in days of the Great Patriotic War heroism, Horuzhaya Vera Zakharovna appropriated posthumously a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

On the bank of Western Dvina, in the center of Vitebsk, the machine-tool factory towers. In a cellar of the administrative case of plant the branch of regional museum of local lore is located. The low, long prison cells divided among themselves by walls of more meter thickness, the dense darkness hiding on corners, the huge shadows which are rushing about on walls and a ceiling — such the cellar appears at visitors of a museum.

In this prison cell the nice daughter of the Belarusian people, the fearless revolutionary, ardent Soviet patriot Vera Zakharovna Horuzhaya sat. Tens people peer the letters very much speaking to heart of each person, scratched almost under the arch "Horuzh".... The word, apparently, isn't finished, most likely was written submortem minutes when executioners already stood at doors of an underground punishment cell. People long stand here, having inclined the heads before an inscription, paying a tribute of deep respect of light memory of Vera Zakharovna Horuzhaya, to her friends together with whom she fearlessly fought against fascist aggressors.

The belief studied in a female gymnasium of Mozyr. In March, 1920 Mozyr grasped armies White Poles. The grammar-school girl Belief had to go to drudge to the miller to Rogali's village. The belief already not bad understood a situation and explained to rural guys and girls situation in the Soviet Russia. As soon as Mozyr was released in June, 1920 by armies of Red Army, the Belief started to edify at rural school.

Ten years Vera Zakharovna was connected with youth of Belarus and Poland. About it the Belief well wrote in the book "Letters on will" ("Young guard" 1931).

In 1935 Vera Zakharovna went to Kazakhstan, to Balkhash — on new building. About the years lived by it in Balkhash, Alexey Timofeevich Hvedantsevich writes in the memoirs — one of the first builder of Balkhash mining and metallurgical combine, the chief of construction "CHPP build".

"Belief appointed the instructor of a district committee and soon her name became known to all staff of "Pribalkhashbuild" as tireless, basic, with a warm heart, the sympathetic and sensitive companion".

P.I.Malyshev — the former instructor of the Pribalkhash district committee of RCP — remembered about V.Z.Horuzhey: "Very few people knew during that far time, what difficult way it passed in the life, with what deep devotion to party business her heart burned. Purposeful, strong-willed in character, it could be sharp during the performances and during too time possessed sincere responsiveness, was able to support morally any".

The invaluable contribution to a victory over Hitler hordes was brought also by Balkhash inhabitants... But not all of them could return on the plant, to the native. Vera Horuzhaya didn't return also. It was lost in the autumn of 1942 in the back of the enemy, carrying out of a fighting task.

Vera Zakharovna Horuzhey's name is immortalized in names of streets in the cities of Minsk, Balkhash, Brest, Karaganda, Bobruisk, Grodno, Bykhovska, Pinsk, Mogilyov, Tulchin, Mozyra, Volska, Gomel, Novogrudka and Vitebsk, settlements Koyesov, Telekhans, Bychikh of Vitebsk area.

Monuments to Vera Zakharovna Horuzhey — busts, memorial boards - stand in Mozyra, Bobruisk, Pruzhanakh, Balkhash, at many schools, at the enterprises, in higher education institutions. Verses and poems, songs and the cantatas, two documentary films are devoted to it.

Vera Horuzhey's name to infinitely expensively Balkhash inhabitants, they consider Belief as the compatriot, sacredly store memory of it. One of streets of Balkhash are called Vera Zakharovna Horuzhey's name.


41.   Shilyaev Feodor Fedorovich

Centenarian Feodor Fedorovich Shilyaev was born at Upper part station (nowadays Sverdlovsk region) in a family of the railroader. From 14 years started to work.

In days of civil war кочегарил on an armored train smashing in the Urals колчаков. In 1929 he participated in conflict elimination on CERW.

Since 1942 as a part of military formations from Kazakhstan Feodor Fedorovich went at the front.

The courageous, initiative commander, it heroically battled, skillfully ordered a platoon of sappers, always was ahead, where more difficultly and more dangerously.

Wound. Hospital. And again front.

There was 1944. The Soviet people, which have risen by the Great Patriotic War, put out fascist aggressors from the country. Nazis clung to each plot of land, for each house. The office of sappers attack planes under command of foreman Shilyaev participated in fights on break of German defense and speeding up of Western Dvina to the west of Vitebsk. On June 24, 1944 Shilyaev's office as a part of an assault rifle battalion attacked a strong point of the opponent — Shumilino. The company of Nazis supported by tanks, went to counterattack. Foreman Shilyaev admitted infantry and tanks of the opponent on 100 meters, and then fire from a manual machine gun and machine guns of the platoon cut enemy infantry from tanks. Counterattack was beaten off, the strong point is taken.

On the night of June 25 at Western Dvina River speeding up (near to Vitebsk) it was ordered to foreman Shilyaev to construct a raft. Feodor Fedorovich (the Red Army newspaper "The homeland calls") here is how told about it: "I was called by the commander of division and told:" The raft is necessary. I give on construction of 20 minutes. Float a raft and be forwarded with the sappers on that coast. Ok?" everything was clear to me. I knew that fascists shouldn't give respites. I understood that in 20 minutes under fire of the opponent to construct a raft it is impossible. But I knew also that nevertheless a raft I will construct. We started to work. Attack amplified every minute... Around everything hooted, groaned and howled... We worked. Earth and water boiled from ruptures of shells and minute. There were first wounded and the killed. In 15 minutes I reported on the commander:

Your order is executed!

On that coast! - he ordered shortly, but on eyes and on a voice I understood that worked well.

We plunged and sailed away. At disembarkation of this group to the opposite coast Nazis opened fire. Supporting actions of the forwarded platoon, foreman Shilyaev moved the sappers in attack. Having pushed aside the opponent from the coast, having dug round, the infantry covered with fire a further crossing.

In a night Shilyaev's office lowered on water of 6 rafts. The shooting parts-forwarded on the opposite coast continued successful advance to the west.

Modest, courageous soldier Shilyaev even didn't think, he made what feat this pre-dawn morning.

The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from July 22, 1944 to the foreman, the commander of office of the 22nd separate assault engineering sapper a battalion of the 5th assault engineering sapper brigades, the 43rd Army, the 1st Baltic front to Feodor Fedorovich Shilyaev for services in battle at speeding up of Western Dvina appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

After war Feodor Fedorovich Shilyaev since 1948 lived in Karaganda. Here also died in November, 1969. The Hero on the Michael cemetery is buried.


42.   Sherbakov Oleg Nikolaevich

Oleg Nikolaevich Shcherbakov was born in 1925 in a family of rural teachers in Vinnytsia regionUkrainian the Soviet Socialist Republic. Ukrainian.

Before the Great Patriotic War lived and studied in the city of Odessa. In 1941 Oleg Shcherbakov was evacuated to the city of Balkhash where continued study at school of a name Bitter. During vacation Oleg worked in concentrating shop of Balkhash copper plant as the mechanic.

Dreaming to take personal part in fight against fascist aggressors, Oleg repeatedly addressed in Balkhash Mining recruitment office with a request to send it the volunteer on the front. At last, his dream was carried out. In March, 1943, without having left secondary school yet, Oleg Shcherbakov was called in Red Army and sent for study to Tashkent.

In March, 1944 after the termination with honors tank school it was sent to field army under Leningrad where as a part of again created 152nd tank Leningrad brigade accepted baptism of fire in fights on the Karelian Isthmus.

Especially second lieutenant Oleg Shcherbakov in fights for liberation of the Soviet Estonia caused a stir.

Ordering the T-34 tank, it throughout the entire period of operations in Estonia was in investigation, leading all brigade. September 19, 1944 after breaking fortifications north of Tartu Oleg Shcherbakov broke with his scouts in town Karivere and destroyed two guns, hindering the advance of our tanks. At an intersection of roads to Reystvera crew of the tank of second lieutenant Oleg Shcherbakov, having found self-propelled Ferdinand tools, entered with them fight and destroyed. Around station to Rasika, having brought down cover, its tank ran into departing transports of the opponent, and pressing them, is unceasing moved to the capital of the Soviet Estonia — to Tallinn. On the suburb of Tallinn Shcherbakov's tank destroyed two anti-tank tools of the opponent and the first rushed into the city, then left to the Tallinn port and sank two, trying to leave transport. On September 24, 1944 in fight for Risti's station they destroyed two tools and an engine.

On the tank Oleg the first rushed into the city and port to Haapsalu.

In total during operations in Estonia the tank crew under command of second lieutenant Shcherbakov destroyed 2 self-propelled Ferdinand tools, 2 armored troop-carrier, 8 tools of different caliber, to 150 soldiers and officers, sank 2 transports with military cargoes, personally took prisoner more than 50 soldiers and officers of the opponent.

For excellent operations, courage, an initiative in fight, bravery, courage and the heroism, shown in fights with fascist aggressors in the territory of Estonia, from March 24, 1945 the high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is appropriated to second lieutenant Shcherbakov Oleg Nikolaevich Ukazom Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR.

Oleg Shcherbakov didn't live to a victory. Was lost in March, 1945 in the territory of Germany. The hero lived short, but bright life.


In the capital of Estonia — Tallinn — the memorial board is established.